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Adalberto Tiburzi | profile | all galleries >> A Stranger to Capri >> Villa Lysis (Fersen), haunted mansion in Capri. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Villa Lysis (Fersen), haunted mansion in Capri. | Capri, when the focal is the message... | Capri spots (of excellence) | S light deviations Capri 2006 | Caprices | Capri details 2005 | Blue Capri 2007 | Capri 2004

Villa Lysis (Fersen), haunted mansion in Capri.

After having been condemned for corruption of minors
Baron Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen (1880-1923), French aristocrat of Swedish origin
steel industrialist poet and painter (in one word dandy)
fled to Capri with his boyfriend and built this mansion for him(self).
18 years later he committed suicide in this room.
Hence, the ominous yet fascinating fame that surrounds the villa and its owners
(location of Peyrefitte's novel "L'Exilé de Capri" for those who believe in destiny ;-).

Update 2009: Next February the Nicholson Museum of the University of Sydney Australia (that holds the largest collection of antiquities in southern hemisphere)
is planning the exhibition "Classical Fantasies 2: the age of beauty – from Naples to Capri".
The Museum would like to display some of these photos and I'm really honoured of that.

Update 2009: The new born Fondazione Capri rents Villa Fersen for cultural initiatives,
such as Dioniso a Villa Lysis, more than 100 photos and negatives of Wilhelm von Gloeden exposed.

If interested in Capri you may visit my A Stranger to Capri galleries.

Villa Lysis late afternoon
Villa Lysis late afternoon
Villa Lysis (villa Fersen) Capri
Villa Lysis (villa Fersen) Capri
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis lower terrace
Villa Lysis lower terrace
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis Fersen
Villa Lysis Fersen
Et le feu s'éteignit sur la mer
Et le feu s'éteignit sur la mer
Villa Lysis the round temple
Villa Lysis the round temple
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
haunted carnival
haunted carnival
Villa Fersen
Villa Fersen
Villa Fersen
Villa Fersen
villa Fersen bathroom
villa Fersen bathroom
Villa  Fersen upper terrace
Villa Fersen upper terrace
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis   opium room
Villa Lysis opium room
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis
Villa Lysis late afternoon
Villa Lysis late afternoon
Dioniso a Villa Lysis
Dioniso a Villa Lysis