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Adalberto Tiburzi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rome architecture (historical) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rome architecture (historical)

... as it appears now.
If curious to see Rome as it was, please have a look at
the interesting gallery of historical photos (in progress)
carefully collected by Marco Siliberti photographer in Rome.


Borromini  Baroque Staircase (scala elicoidale)
<< Borromini Baroque Staircase (scala elicoidale) >>
Rome, lost in the Maze
<< Rome, lost in the Maze >>
the Tiber in Rome
<< the Tiber in Rome >>
Circumzenithal arc over Sant'Ignazio Rome
<< Circumzenithal arc over Sant'Ignazio Rome >>
Everywhere there is a no man's land.
<< Everywhere there is a no man's land. >>