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Albert Steen-Hansen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trip to Varanger and Finland 2004 - Plants and lichens > Marsh Andromeda - Rosmarinlyng - Andromeda polyfolia
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Marsh Andromeda - Rosmarinlyng - Andromeda polyfolia

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Mary V.Armstrong 24-Jul-2011 02:07
As a hill shepherd all my life....from the Galloway Hills Scotland but working all over the hills of Scotland I have a particular interest in wild plants best illustrated in "Flora i farver" by Hans Hvass pub Politiken Danmark or Keble Martin or Phillips.
The last two Spring/Summers have been more abundant than ever before in new finds......north face of the Merrick 2 "new" white flowers for me. ....alpine....on scree. Then a white Lousewort....and white "rose bay willow herb on lower hill ground. But tonight when returning some amazing Blackface ewes and lambs dispelling the myth about Bog Asphodel a remote site.... I went further to where the vegetation is completely rank dense or bare granite slabs on Blackcraig (devoid of wildlife) (not burnt or grazed since 1946.....on the former hill farm of Laggan O'Dee....returning via the grazed area I came across Andromeda polifolia....Marsh Rosemary ....fascinating the mosaic type glossy leaf only discernible through the magnifying glass....but none of the illustrations in my research exactly fit! My living examples have only one globular bell shaped delicate pale pinkish flower adjoining the lanceolate leaf....not a group of flowers. Can you help?