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Alex Lau's Recent Galleries

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01-Jan-2010 16:49
Panorama Australia
:: Panorama Australia ::
18-Jun-2009 07:11
Miscellaneous  shot around Australia
:: Miscellaneous shot around Australia ::
12-Jun-2009 15:54
Opera House and Harbour Bridge
:: Opera House and Harbour Bridge ::
18-Jun-2008 03:20
Places I've been
:: Places I've been ::
06-Jun-2008 14:39
Tsim Sha Tsui (Hong Kong)
:: Tsim Sha Tsui (Hong Kong) ::
01-Jun-2008 06:02
My photographer friend
:: My photographer friend ::
31-May-2008 07:05
Central (Hong Kong)
:: Central (Hong Kong) ::
02-May-2008 00:28
Wedding Portfolio
:: Wedding Portfolio ::
24-Apr-2008 02:03
Infrared Australia
:: Infrared Australia ::
13-Mar-2008 05:36
Darling Harbour
:: Darling Harbour ::
20-Jan-2008 07:24
Bronte Beach
:: Bronte Beach ::
04-Nov-2007 02:06
:: Publication ::