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Alex Uchôa | all galleries >> Projetos >> Seleçăo fotos Guia 4 Rodas Embratur >> Brasília > Cachoeira de Santa Bárbara, Chapada dos Veadeiros-GO
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Cachoeira de Santa Bárbara, Chapada dos Veadeiros-GO

Nikon Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED

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Brandon Mardon14-Feb-2011 16:12
Through your photography, I'm sure you have motivated many to want to visit Brazil...
Lien Vu22-Feb-2009 06:06
Very nice and beautiful picture
Giancarlo Guzzardi18-Jun-2008 10:11
splendid view
Lille McGhee22-Mar-2008 04:52
A stunning Photo Gallery, Landscapes of Brazil. CONGRATULATIONS. My favorite photos are many; however, "Cachoeira de Snta Brbara, Chapada dos Veadeiros-Go" captured my heart. There is serenity among the waterfall, rocks @ various angles on the grounds, green plants sprouting up from, and between, the rocks. Awesome! Tour my Abstract Art Gallery & post your comments. (lille)
Karlo30006-Jan-2008 18:48
One of the best pics I've ever seen!
Brian Baker06-Dec-2007 23:21
Stunning image. V
12303-Dec-2007 05:42
Tem aspecto idilico. V
Guest 07-Aug-2007 22:56
Wow, this is stunning! V
Vikas Malhotra07-Aug-2007 11:39
Simply fabulous
dineman15-Jun-2007 00:25
nice colors very nice picture
Guest 18-May-2007 20:23
Fantastic work
Guest 13-Apr-2007 03:28
Fantastic image. Nice composition. Beautiful colors. Love the soft effect of the water. Voted
Ba 22-Mar-2007 22:07
nice to see u ))) crazy )))
tralivali1 22-Mar-2007 08:40
good site, realy interesting.
Guest 10-Feb-2007 18:10
Guest 13-Dec-2006 18:31
Wow, excellent gallery, but this is one of my favorites. Excellent use of both foreground and background elements. Great shutter speed for the water. Colors are interesting and add to the image's beauty.
Elaine 29-Nov-2006 05:42
Absolutely Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maxim Popykin07-Nov-2006 07:12
Amazing picture!
CRITAL 01-Nov-2006 19:50
eu 25-Oct-2006 01:02
pqp de fuder
vuthy 28-Sep-2006 03:13
hanna 12-Sep-2006 17:23
muito bonita parec um ffilme hehehehehe
Guest 18-Jul-2006 21:47
Parabéns! Sua foto ficou magnífica!
Guest 24-Jun-2006 22:01
Já nadei muito nesse poção, mas parece que agora aquela atriz Maria Paula comprou as terras onde está essa cachoeira e fechou oacesso... Uma pena!
Andrielli 10-May-2006 13:31
Esse lugar é perfeito!!!!!!!Essa cachoeira é linnnnda!!!!
Iara 29-Apr-2006 12:36
adorei essa foto viu!!! muito linda!!
michelle 23-Apr-2006 10:31
Mira que cosa mas maravillosa que hay en este país. venga conocelo
Srđan 16-Mar-2006 10:14
It looks unreal for me, like an oil painting.
milocas 26-Feb-2006 17:32
como adoraria um dia poder mergulhar nas aguas desta cachoeira.Maravilhosa
Guest 16-Jan-2006 06:37
Amo esta foto! Gracias!
Mike 15-Jan-2006 15:57
The picture is of course "linda" but can I ask a question about the originality of this picture...You modified it with photoshop, no?
jewel 22-Dec-2005 17:50
boa tarde voce tiene foto muy lindo
can canli 20-Nov-2005 23:04
Harika ellerinize saðlýk
Guest 21-Oct-2005 17:16
Fantastic shot, my friend. Great place. Excellent opportunity!
Manfred Bachmann03-Oct-2005 20:35
Very beautiful!
Bobby Wong Jr.27-Sep-2005 10:44
another outstanding shot...
Comagnhont - Goiânia - GO 26-Aug-2005 02:24
I've been there and I think the picture realy shows the magic place energy!
Bari17-May-2005 02:24
color...color...color! Crisp and inviting. Really beautiful
Guest 10-May-2005 11:54
Guest 12-Dec-2004 15:39
Terrific shot. I really like the way you framed this image.
Daniella T.03-Dec-2004 04:34
wow, that is some awesome photo!
Guest 23-Nov-2004 20:16
asolutely beautiful... great composition here and use of slow shutter speed...
