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Alex Uchôa | all galleries >> Projetos >> Seleção fotos Guia 4 Rodas Embratur >> Brasília > Natural window - Salão do buda, Vale da Lua, Chapada dos Veadeiros
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Natural window - Salão do buda, Vale da Lua, Chapada dos Veadeiros

Nikon Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Raymond Ma14-Mar-2009 07:00
Love the composition! V
Gervan13-Dec-2007 08:02
Very nice view. Beautiful image perfectly showing the movement of the water.V.
Don Cuevas14-May-2007 11:30
WOW! ¡Impresionate!
quique 02-Apr-2007 20:55
increible tio que maaaaaaaravilla estoy alli
arminb11-Nov-2005 12:59
This is sooo beautiful!
Teresa Vilhena21-Feb-2005 19:39
Maravilha pura!!!
jlm08-Dec-2004 21:48
Donald Verger08-Dec-2004 19:58
Don Cuevas24-Nov-2004 23:57
uba 24-Nov-2004 08:21
a-m-a-z-i-n-g ! ! ! you took something regular and made it as something that close to illution. genius !