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Profile for amba grafix
Name amba grafix (joined 08-Nov-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username ambagrafix
Location afloat in the temporal realm
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Message from amba grafix
"Will the historians of the future shake their heads in regret and disbelief that we, who had a chance, squandered it in hesitancy? Or will they write...of men and women of faith (who) rose above their circumstances, and above their self-interest, and unleashed a whirlwind of change?

We can no longer doze beneath the sleepy comforter of denial. We have cancer. We need chemotherapy. We must face up to the truth of the oncoming climate change and reflect on the implications of that change for our work, our future, and for those for whom we are responsible.

You may feel uneasy with this. Perhaps you think that you already have too many responsibilities, that you already are as committed as you can be, and that, besides, you are not the most talented person available. If you feel the call is untimely, unfair, or inappropriately directed, I would like to remind you of the great tradition in which you stand. Abraham was reluctant to depart from Ur for the land of Canaan, Moses was reluctant to return to Egypt to confront Pharaoh...Jonah reluctant to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh, and Peter was reluctant to leave his nets.

At every moment, from every one of the one hundred generations which stretch from Moses until today, God has called the imperfect, the uncertain, and the unworthy at inappropriate times to do the impossible..."

From "In the Name of the Wounded Sky," excerpted from a sermon by Robert Massie, Jr., delivered at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, and compiled in the book, "Crisis and the Renewal of Creation: Church & World in the Age of Ecology"