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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Egypt and Jordan 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Egypt and Jordan 2009

These are just the first very few photos of many TO BE uploaded from 2 weeks in Egypt
and 1 week in Jordan (Petra, Wadi Rum, Jerash, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, Moses' Mount Nebo).

Only 3 days up so far, out of about 18 days there.

*** ( For FULL SCREEN: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

Copyright © 1997-2010++ Andrys Basten. Contact me if you'd like to use a photo.

Egypt  and Jordan Photos - Draft and preview
gallery: Egypt and Jordan Photos - Draft and preview
Petra photos - Walking the Ancient city in Jordan
gallery: Petra photos - Walking the Ancient city in Jordan
Photo--Not Gallery-- wadi-rum--mImg_1838.jpg
Photo--Not Gallery-- wadi-rum--mImg_1838.jpg
Photos of Hot Air Ballooning over Luxor/Thebes & Valley of the Kings
gallery: Photos of Hot Air Ballooning over Luxor/Thebes & Valley of the Kings
VIDEO: Hot Air Ballooning over Luxor / Thebes
gallery: VIDEO: Hot Air Ballooning over Luxor / Thebes