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Apostolos Tikopoulos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dubai > Jumeirah Mosque.
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Jumeirah Mosque.

Jumeirah Mosque is a mosque in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Construction began in 1976; the mosque is built in traditional Fatimid style which originated from Syria and Egypt. Opened in 1979. The Jumeirah Grand Mosque was a gift from the Late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, the former Ruler of Dubai and father of the current Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. It is said that it is the most photographed mosque in all of Dubai. Adopting an ‘Open Doors, Open Minds’ policy, the mosque welcomes visitors of all faiths to admire the surroundings and learn about Islam and the local culture. The Jumeirah Mosque, which is large enough to hold up to 1,200 worshippers, was built entirely from white stone in the medieval Fatimid tradition, with towering twin minarets framing a large central dome.

Nikon D70s ,Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom
1/640s f/13.0 at 18.0mm 1/640s f/13.0 at 18.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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George McCarten16-Dec-2020 00:26
Nice wide-angle image of the mosque.
meekam tam06-Nov-2020 17:22
Beautiful architecture! V
Fabienne17-Jul-2020 19:32
Cette mosquée est superbe er vous l’avez joliment photographié.
Zeeby13-Jul-2019 21:13
An amazing structure. V
John Reynolds LRPS04-Sep-2011 18:14
Impressive architecture - well captured. V.
January Grey17-Nov-2008 05:20
Excellent exposure, Apostolos! Gorgeous shot! V~
Guy Dube02-Dec-2007 05:21
Beautiful shot Apostolos, impressive building! V
Guest 12-Nov-2007 23:38
An excellent image! V
Kathy Pedersen25-Oct-2007 23:11
Beautiful, just beautiful.........with outstanding clarity.
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