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David Z | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:42
Awesome photo gallery.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 06:56
I have great respect for your work.
paul yung18-Jan-2007 05:40
Nice work. Congrats!
newboy 01-Nov-2006 20:38
Hallo! site the best! :)
Guest 20-Jun-2006 17:39
Hi, David

Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.

Kingsley liu
Guest 24-Apr-2006 12:45
Hi David

yes and thanks for your picture btw i already ask you before if i can used it..or maybe i ask somebody else.anyway very nice gallaries you have.

NoName09-Feb-2006 22:07
Thanks for your comment in the other image.

I just love the 50mm f1.8 , it is my walk around lens and product shot lens.
I think this lens is a must have.
Guest 09-Feb-2006 18:50
Hey, David how do you like the Nikkor 50MM 1.8 lens?