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baywing08-Jun-2009 14:04
You are welcome, Mark. I have pics from the show up now.
Raymond J Barlow27-Oct-2008 23:53
amazing galleries, thanks to the comment on nsn, I agree with you totally.
Guest 03-Oct-2007 15:04
You are an amazing photographer. Your animal and mammal images blew me away!
Guest 18-Feb-2007 22:35
Nice Gallery
Ivan Cholakov24-Aug-2006 14:59
Those marine photos are pretty amazing!
Guest 04-May-2004 11:02
First of all, I would like to thank you for your valuable answer to my question at Nikonians. I had already posted the questions at dpreview and Nikon in Spain but without any clear answer. Thanks a lot and best regards.
Guest 19-Mar-2004 04:31
Very Nice -- love the Ariz. pictures. Linked here from Nikonians D-100 site where I hang out once in a while (username BobA).
Guest 11-Jul-2003 04:17
Excellent photography,very professional.