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Addis Abeba

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Bole International Airport
Bole International Airport
Leaving Bole International Airport
Leaving Bole International Airport
Welcome to Addis Abeba
Welcome to Addis Abeba
Dembel, the new shopping mall on Bole Road
Dembel, the new shopping mall on Bole Road
Inside Dembel
Inside Dembel
Only flies dislike cleanliness
"Only flies dislike cleanliness"
Ambessa gibi
Ambessa gibi
Degu is still surviving at ambessa gibi!
Degu is still surviving at ambessa gibi!
In A.A.,a couple of nights a week would be spent this way because of the current electricity ration
In A.A.,a couple of nights a week would be spent this way because of the current electricity ration
g9/34/253134/3/20134950.LmiVWNsh.jpg g9/34/253134/3/20134955.qc0esIS3.jpg
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