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Erik Bruhnke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Minnesota tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Spring Migration in Northern Minnesota 2013
Spring Migration in Northern Minnesota 2013
International Festival of Owls 2013
International Festival of Owls 2013
Brrrrdathon 2013
Brrrrdathon 2013
Winter Gull Workshops
Winter Gull Workshops
Hawk Ridge 2012
Hawk Ridge 2012
Fall Migration along Park Point & Wisconsin Point 2012 & 2013
Fall Migration along Park Point & Wisconsin Point 2012 & 2013
Birding in the Twin Cities
Birding in the Twin Cities
Bagley Nature Area & the Trails of Hartley Nature Center
Bagley Nature Area & the Trails of Hartley Nature Center
A Night of Birds and Beers, and a day at the Raptor Center!
A Night of Birds and Beers, and a day at the Raptor Center!
Morning Photoshoot with an Ovenbird
Morning Photoshoot with an Ovenbird
Duluth Spring Raptor Count 2012
Duluth Spring Raptor Count 2012
International Festival of Owls 2012
International Festival of Owls 2012
Duluth Spring Raptor Count 2011
Duluth Spring Raptor Count 2011
Brrrrdathon 2012
Brrrrdathon 2012
Canal Park 2012 Gulls and More!
Canal Park 2012 Gulls and More!
Isabella 2011 Christmas Bird Count
Isabella 2011 Christmas Bird Count
Two Harbors Christmas Bird Count 2011
Two Harbors Christmas Bird Count 2011
When a Mallard Goes Gull-watching, at Canal Park
When a Mallard Goes Gull-watching, at Canal Park
Nov/Dec Grasshopper Sparrow
Nov/Dec Grasshopper Sparrow
Hawk Ridge 2011
Hawk Ridge 2011
Park Point 2011
Park Point 2011
Sax-Zim Bog - Fall 2011
Sax-Zim Bog - Fall 2011
Brrrrdathon  2011
Brrrrdathon 2011
Hawk Ridge 2010
Hawk Ridge 2010
Hawk Ridge 2009
Hawk Ridge 2009
Hawk Ridge 2008
Hawk Ridge 2008
International Festival of Owls 2011
International Festival of Owls 2011
Crows Roosting in Minneapolis
Crows Roosting in Minneapolis
Park Point and Canal Park 2008 Gallery
Park Point and Canal Park 2008 Gallery
Park Point  2010
Park Point 2010
Sax-Zim Bog gallery. Old pictures
Sax-Zim Bog gallery. Old pictures
Early Morning Sugar Maple
Early Morning Sugar Maple
Franklin's Ground Squirrel
Franklin's Ground Squirrel
me with red-tailed hawk
me with red-tailed hawk
Canal Park and Hartley Nature Center - Superior Hiking Trail
Canal Park and Hartley Nature Center - Superior Hiking Trail
me with red-tailed hawk
me with red-tailed hawk
Black Guillemot location
Black Guillemot location
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Barrows Goldeneye
Barrows Goldeneye
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Tamarack flowering
Tamarack flowering
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl. Four-second shutter exposuer. No flash was used
Snowy Owl, hovering
Snowy Owl, hovering
Snowy Owl, hovering
Snowy Owl, hovering
Snowy Owl, hovering
Snowy Owl, hovering
Snowy Owl, diving!
Snowy Owl, diving!
Snowy Owl, hovering one last time before hitting the ground!
Snowy Owl, hovering one last time before hitting the ground!
Frozen egg that I found on the ground.  Perfect condition too! Canada Goose egg?
Frozen egg that I found on the ground. Perfect condition too! Canada Goose egg?
A few days in Itasca and the Northwoods
A few days in Itasca and the Northwoods
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Adult Peregrine Falcon by Canal Park... we might see this guy up at the ridge!
Adult Peregrine Falcon by Canal Park... we might see this guy up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Peregrine Falcons by Canal Park... we might see these guys up at the ridge!
Red-necked Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Great Gray Owl up the North Shore
Great Gray Owl up the North Shore
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Unique Lady Ducks
Unique Lady Ducks