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Brian McMorrow | all galleries >> Asia >> Turkmenistan >> Ashgabat >> Ashgabat - City > Oncology Center, Ashgabat - Onkologiża Merkezi
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Oncology Center, Ashgabat - Onkologiża Merkezi

Nikon D700
1/400s f/10.0 at 90.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 26-Oct-2016 13:03
I am an American Board Certified Surgeon & Fellow of the American College of Surgeon. I am offering my help to volunteer as surgeon or teaching, workshops & courses for oncology surgery at Oncology Center, Ashgabat.
Appreciate if you connect me to the correct person.

Ali M. Ghellai, MD, FACS, FICS

my email: