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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM

Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-May-2003
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM Samples from 80591 available Photos more
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Jim Kramer07-Sep-2010 12:17
I too, went from a Sigma 17-35 to this lens. There is simply no comparison... the Canon really shines!
Guest 19-Sep-2009 21:54
On this moment my lense is being repaired, the auto focus broke. I miss it very much, it is absolutely my favorite...
singapore_photographer16-Mar-2009 23:45
this lens is a great all round versatile high performer

gsl00703-Jul-2008 21:32
I've been using this lens for several years and I'm very happy with it. For a wide angle lens it is sharp enough and the color and constrast is superb. It is sharper at 40mm than 17mm, but images print out with great sharpness. Prior to this lens I was using a Sigma 17-35mm and this lens floors it. With the low noise levels of modern DSLRs f/4 is not really a problem. Here are a few examples.
Guest 05-Apr-2008 17:15
This is an exceptional lens, and a great value. Sharp, contrasty, great L build. I have made thousands of wonderful images with mine. While I also own a Canon EF-S 17-55/2.8 IS, I cannot bring myself to sell the 17-40 -- it's been too good to me for too long. Great at landscapes and close-quarters shooting. I recommend this lens for use on FF and cropped bodies, without hesitation.
Devilgorgor12-Mar-2008 14:09
always get bad copy of this lens, too soft, not sharp than sigma 15-30 and tokina 12-24mm f4, only good thing you can attach filter.
Mike Liquorish Captured Frame04-Feb-2008 05:04
Have just bought a 17-40 for use with my Canon 5D and very impressed I am with this combination ,very sharp on the 5D nice and wide,beautiful blue sky and at thjs time I have not placed a polerizer on it yet. The f4 does not bother me as I intend to use it outdoors, mostly for landscapes,just wish I bought it 12 months ago when I bought the 5D- oh well it`s a good excuse to revisit some areas again for more photo`s. If you have a 5D this a must have lens if you dont need the stop faster of the 16-35 plus you have some more money to spend on another lens and that cant be to bad can it. Highly recommended.
Flemming Bo Jensen Photography20-Nov-2007 16:57
I have just returned from 10 weeks in Australia and used the 17-40 extensively and it is a great wide angle performer on my Canon 5D. I find it is super tack sharp with great colours and contrast. It also has a super lens coating that really makes a blue sky stand out in your landscape shots even without a polarizer. Slight vignetting, but you can stop down or easily fix it later (I'm one of those people who like vignetting so no worries for me).

Many examples here:

Flemming Bo Jensen
Adalberto Tiburzi29-Sep-2007 15:19
I would like to point out that 1 stop difference between the 17-40 and the 16-35 may be not irrelevant.
I love to shoot outdoors in difficult conditions of lighting, such as dusk or before dawn.
And the f/2,8 aperture is of great importance in most cases.
Here is an example of what I mean, all photos 16-35, very often full aperture.
With the 17-40 I believe I would have found some difficulties, such as being forced to push the iso beyond 1600 (I shoot Canon 5D)
Guest 15-Jan-2007 08:43
great lens, use it ALL the time with my 20D ... I really wanted a f/2.8, but now I am not bothered, I like f/4

here's what you get with this lens:
-17-40mm L USM f/4 [35mm eq. 27-64mm CMOS (x1.6)]
-constant f/4
-very solid lens, well built and sealed, so with a filter (77mm) it is air and water (splash) tight
-MF and AF with MF possible (once it has focused you can adjust)
-fast and very quiet USM AF (nice solid sound, not a buzz)
-comes with lens hood (very wide) and lens case (it's just a bag)
-distance scale on the lens

very nice lens - great focusing and definition

@ Bruce Gilling27-Nov-2006 22:41
I loved this until i start using my efs 17-55 IS which is my main lens now will keep it for full frame dslr
Guest 24-Aug-2006 10:41
Of all the lenses I've owned or used over the years this is my favourite. It delivers utterly jaw-dropping sharpness and contrast. It's a very useful mid-range zoom range on a cropped-sensor with enough width for great lanscapes and architectural shots. I've had the opportunity to try my with a full-frame too, and there it functions as a to-die-for out-and-out wide angle. Wherever your photography takes you, this is one lens you WILL NEVER GIVE UP.
Guest 27-Jul-2006 10:31
I have both 16-35 and this 17-40. I end up using 17-40 lot more than 16-35. No doubt, 16-35 is a better lens, faster, wider, but this only helps in one condition: indoor shots where flash and tripod is prohibited. I bump into this situation when I was in the Hearst Castle and 16-36 helped a lot. Another situation is indoor-event without flash, but not too often you'll bump into this situation. Maybe funeral service inside the church?

Again, these situations are rare. Usually I use the wide angle lens for landscape shots or group photos. For landscape, I'm not going to use f/2.8 anyway. For group photos, it's another no-no.

Therefore, 17-40 is a more reasonable choice. Again, it's F/4, but you don't have too many chances to use f/2.8 anyway. It's half the cost and it's lighter.

Many first-time users of DSLR face the situation of buying a wide angle lens. I highly recommend 17-40. It's one of the cheapest L lens but you'll end up with much better pictures. The results are instant. Of course, if you have enough cash, buy 16-35, but you'll find yourself reducing aperture most of the time, which, isn't that what 17-40 can do?
J. Yeh

More reviews: . . . . . . . . . .
Guest 18-Jul-2006 12:46
gr8 lens , dosnt get off form my bionet!
sharp as a butcher knif and cheap too
Robert Soen22-May-2006 20:57
I sold my Sigma 17-70 after 1 month because I was very unhappy with the speed of the AF en the colors. Then I got myself this lens. Very fast Af en beautifull colors. I gues I have to use the footzoom a bit more .

Guest 24-Apr-2006 23:01
I think I m gonna get one, despite previous comment, and a 70-200 as well
Guest 10-Jan-2006 15:15
I think I'll excange it just for the EF 16-35/2.8L. At 17mm it's not so sharp as at 40mm.
After three mounths use, I decide to sell, in change of the EFs 17-85 IS at the moment, for an "all in one" traveller zoom, and after, maybe, for the better EF 16-35/2.8L.

Enjoy to everyone. By.
Monte Dodge09-Dec-2005 08:09
This is the best " Daily Driver" lens for me in the outdoors . If I could only have one lens on my Canon Rebel 6.3 meg, it would be this lens.. ( Ok, it would be the 16mm-35mm f2.8 , but it is double the cost and with my savings , I bought a nice 70mm-200mm f4) Love my 17mm-40mm!!! Could not be happier,,,
Guest 14-Oct-2005 11:18
What a wonderful lense !! What a sharpness !! I love this lense.
I've bought it a3 days ago and I'm very amazing using it.
Canon-300D17-Mar-2005 23:02
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