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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM

Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Sep-2005
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM Samples from 150833 available Photos more
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Adalberto Tiburzi15-Dec-2012 22:15
When you don't know if you will photograph indoors or outdoors, close or distant subjects, wide or tele, then this lens with its amazing contrast and sharpness is the winning choice...
air ambulance20-Jun-2012 19:26
Have to agree...1200 is a lot
Guest 13-Oct-2011 00:51
I have just recently accidentally dropped my canon EF 28-70 2.8L lens and was desperately was looking for a replacement. i was debating between the 24-105 and the 24-70. I had purchased the 24-105 lens and have no regrets. Paired up with my 70-200 2.8 (non-IS) lens, it make a wonderful combo!
Guest 23-Aug-2011 02:18
Es el lente de mis sueños. Así de simple
Guest 30-May-2009 05:42
Sorry. See them here:
Guest 30-May-2009 05:40
Just jumped back into the photography hobby with an EOS 50D and a 24-105 f/4 L lens. Take a look at my first three shots (full auto, 580EX ii) and let me know what you think about the clarity. Shot in JPEG mode which might be an issue.

Mike Liquorish Captured Frame22-May-2009 12:42
Have finally lashed out and purchased this lens,and what a grate lens it is - I don`t know if I am lucky and got a sharp one but I have nil complaints ,very sharp and the IS is very good even indoors with a bit of a boost to the iso. Not to heavy and is nice balance on my 5D with grip good general purpose walk around lens. I have a few L lenses and the build quality is very good just like my others. Have taken nice portraits and landscapes with it and it has performed to a high standard. Highly recommended if you are looking for a general purpose walk around lens, I will add this to my wedding kit.
Jan Søgaard17-Feb-2009 14:53
The IS works on this lens. My picture where captured on 0.50 sek if you can do better then write.
The contrast and colours are amazing, but that is another story.
Adalberto Tiburzi04-Jan-2009 21:04
Just to add that the IS of this lens is very good to obtain handheld photos in very low light with a decent DOF.
I couldn't have taken this photos of a Nativity with the 50mm 1,4 I have too.
Adalberto Tiburzi06-Sep-2008 22:04
Editing in DPP you have the possibility to correct distortion, vignetting an chromatic aberraation in a very simple way.
Anyway my copy is good, and although zooms can't have the personality of prime lenses
they are priceless when it comes to relate to an unknown subject.
Without the 24-105 on my 5D I never could find that approach to an unknown city visited for the first time.
Guest 06-Sep-2008 21:50
@ Bruce Gilling07-Jul-2008 21:53
sharp did i mention sharp lol
@ Bruce Gilling16-Mar-2008 00:13
great lens when you got a sharp one !!!!!

Devilgorgor12-Mar-2008 14:06
soft, soft, did I metion soft?
Guest 19-Jan-2008 18:11
I love this lens! Being able to hand hold 3 stops more with the image stabilization is incredible! The color, contrast and the sharpness are top notch! Here are some shots take in British Columbia with it at a farm. These are basically walk around snap shots but it gives you an idea!

I have it hooked up to my Canon 30D DSLR giving me an 35mm equivalent of 38mm-168mm. It most cases its a good range. There are times I wish I could go wider. That will change when I go to a 35mm sensor soon!
Khoi Huynh-Dinh06-Sep-2007 00:31
These 2 galleries have been taken with this awesome lens. Color rendering is very nice.
Guest 23-Aug-2007 06:42
Perfect lense which stays on my camera most of the time. Good range on my 30D, even better and near perfect range on my 1D. Sharpness, colour and contrast on my copy are excellent. f/4.0 is more than enough and if not I always have one or two fast primes with me. The effect of the IS is invaluable, particularly when shooting from a helicopter:

This lense deserves the L-designation and is highly recommended!
Tim van Woensel15-Aug-2007 18:18
Even on a crop camera (I now use it on a 400D/XTI) it's a fantastic lens. The range, IS, constant F4, build quality and fast focusing are a joy to use. And when the time is right to go full-frame you can take the lens and use it (it's an EF lens not EF-S).
Ideal travel lens! I used it for my last trips to Sri Lanka and Samos
Guest 05-May-2007 21:24
I love these bokeh comments...
Guest 11-Apr-2007 09:52
the bokeh is not great :(
Guest 05-Apr-2007 09:53
Though it does distort at 24mm, I am very happy with this lens. It makes for a fine walkaround lens. The IS is useful in those low light moments.
Ken Zaret19-Feb-2007 23:37
After using this lens for a week I really loved the IS and bright colors:

But the images were soft:

I returned it to B&H and they gave me a new version which was sharp:

I am now happy with the lens for all of the positives listed by others here. Definitely recommend checking out the quality, if you get one, but now I am very pleased. The IS, color, and sharpness are amazing, and I like the range on the 30D.
Guest 18-Nov-2006 03:39
I purchased this lens in August 2006 as a 'kit' lens with my new 5D. I had wanted this lens anyway as it has a great range for an L lens and is not too expensive. For full frame it is an excellant walkabout lens. Although I found I often wanted to go a bit more wide and this lens can have some distortion at 24mm (so I bought the 17-35mm f2.8 L second hand), I particularly like the fact this lens goes to 105mm unlike some of the competotor L lenses. It means that for 'walkabout' you do not have to change your lenses quite as often as you otherwsie might. I am satisfied with this lens and would highly recommend anyone buying the 5D to get one as a kit lens as it is then very good value indeed.

Here are some pics I took with it:
Guest 31-Oct-2006 08:43
this is my everyday lens...decent focal length and opening at a constant 4....the IS function gives it the ability to shoot in low light situations w/o boosting the iso
Guest 24-Aug-2006 15:42
After using this lens for a month, I can say this is my favorite Canon lens of all time. (The day after this lens arrived, I put my EF 24-85, EF 28-70L, and EF 28-135 IS up for sale, as this replaced the trio.)

PRO: 1) The Focal length is a in good range. A 24mm on the 10D, with the 1.6X crop factor, is just wide enough where I can travel with one single lens if I wanted to. 2) The Image Stablization works extremely well, allowing hand holding at 2-3 stops slower than without IS. 3) The glass is L quality, producing sharp vibrant images. 4) Solid construction. The zoom and focus rings has a solid feel to them. There is no lens creep, even when it's pointed straight up.

The only downside is the price, but you soon get over it after you see the results.

Next Review:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Flemming Bo Jensen Photography12-Jun-2006 08:20
This lens is almost never off my 5D - perfect range and super optics, very sharp even at f4.0 and the IS works brilliantly.
Guest 17-May-2006 14:38
No regrets buying this lens. Have gotten great results on my 30D with it. Great sharpness almost throughout the zoom range, contrasty and nice colours. >
Guest 08-May-2006 18:30
An instant classic from Canon. The color, contrast and sharpness of this lens is simply stellar. I like to shoot hand held and the 3rd gen IS lets me get razor sharp photos at 1/10 and even slower shutter speeds. There is some vignetting and distortion but they are easily corrected in Photoshop.
paul yung27-Mar-2006 08:07
I have own or used at least 80 pecent of all the lens Canon ever made. This 24 to 105 L is one of very best.
Guest 25-Feb-2006 12:20
this lens is very big disappointment and does not deserve the red "L" stripe on its barrel. Image quality is lower than i expected from $1200 lens. vignetting, barrel distortion and flare control of this lens lower than some third party 5 times lower priced lenses.
Ron Wright24-Feb-2006 23:59
I bought this lens and within a few days returned it for a full refund. I couldn't see a big improvement over my 17-85mm EFS IS and my 70-300mm EF IS does better than this L.

For a comparison, look here:
Guest 01-Feb-2006 05:25
nice lens
@ Bruce Gilling16-Jan-2006 17:24
To pricey wiLL get it when it's less than $900

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