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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM

Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 17-Feb-2005
Lens Mount: EF-S
Random Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM Samples from 9454 available Photos more
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Guest 15-Sep-2009 13:47
Añoro mi Sigma 100mm macro, pero este ha podido satisfacer muchas de mis necesidades de macro y retrato. Lo he aprendido a querer mucho
Sylvain B.22-Sep-2008 04:48
This lens AF is *always* hunting in low light.
A nightmare for me. The rest is perfect.
Agostino Faggiotto08-Dec-2007 22:31
The even sharpness of this lens is outstanding.
Macro shots are easy with this lens.
In tricky situations and for best results, a tripod, a cable release and manual focus will do the trick of amazing you.
I am sorry I have no portraits at hand, but with this lens you are sure that your mother will hate you for the amount of detail it provides.
Pablo Yáñez20-May-2007 19:58

(Samples at bottom)

Lets face it, you'd be hard pressed to find an optically bad macro lens. In my experience the 60mm is every bit as sharp as the other macro I've used (Canon 100mm, Sigma 150mm and 105mm, and Nikon 60mm and 105mm VR). So rather than compare the Canon 60mm (disclaimer - one of my favorite lenses ever) with any of these other fine macro lenses, I'll just point our some reasons why I find this lens so incredibly useful and used:

1. I like to travel light. The Canon is barely larger than most 50mm 1.4 lenses. It also does not extend when focusing - something no other compact macros can do to my knowledge (Nikon 60mm, Sigma 50, Canon 50mm f2.8, etc). This lens packs wonderfully into almost any small bag for your kit.

2. Since the lens does not extend and is compact (see above) it can be used with the onboard flash even at 1:1 without casting a shadow on your subject -- not sure if any other Macros can pull this off. This allows me to travel even lighter since I don't have to pack off camera flashes or on lens macro ring flashes. Purists will scoff at onboard flash use, but I think that I've gotten some damn good photos using it, especially since I would have had NO photo at all since I would rarely if ever carry the amount of equipment required to do this otherwise.

3. The lens has a very nice ring-USM focusing system. As fast or nearly as fast as any lens out there.

4 Price. Yes I have a budget, not many true macros out there that go for less.

5. Absolutely wonderful bokeh, oh so buttery!! Canon talks about rounded aperture blades, yadda, yadda - something they did works well here. While the background smears wonderfully together, the lens is amazingly sharp wide open.

6. 60mm on a crop body is 96mm - that combined with #5 makes for a very nice portrait lens. Got more use from this lens for that reason than the Canon 85 1.8 (a wonderful lens) that felt a bit long on my 30D.

7. For reasons of it's compact size, light weight and quick focus, the lens is JOY to hand hold (hey less stuff to carry!!). I've even have used the lens very successfully holding the camera in one hand.


1. You have to work pretty close/stealthily with a 60mm macro - more so than a say 150mm Sigma, but this is well worth the trade off for the Pros outlined above - size, on-board flash, etc

2. No can do on FF bodies - not really a problem since I can't afford these bodies. It might also not be the ideal lens to use with Adriana Lima - but for the same reason, I'm not too worries.

There you have it, some samples:


Macro with on-board-flash:

Sharpness wide-open (or nearly so):

Holdability (one handed shooting):


Many more examples here:

Agostino Faggiotto06-Mar-2007 21:25
Sharpness and versatility beyond real!
The door to the world of macro.
Excellent prime lens.
Guest 18-Aug-2006 22:53
I love Canon products and I have had a complete Canon system for about 10 years. I love everything Canon does. However I do not understand Canon's reasoning behind producing this lens.

The reason for the EF-S lenses is offering wider angle by getting the rear elements of a lens closer to the "film" plane. They cannot do this on film and full frame sensor cameras because the mirror is larger and would hit the rear elements of an EF-S lens.

They have indicated, however, that by 35 mm that advantage is gone. Why then do they produce a 60 mm Macro lens when they already have their macro requirements covered with they current three lenses? I would guess that the short back focus makes the lens cheaper; but this lens is only $60 short of the excellent 100 f2.8 USM Macro.

As I said, if for $60 I can get a lens that has 40 mm more reach (66 in 1.6crop cameras; useful in macro photography) and that works on ALL CANON CAMERAS, I'm not going to be thinking about this lens at all.

Granted, you might not be thinking of buying a FF camera anytime soon, but Canon has indicated that eventually they will have FF on all their DSLR's, so why bother with this lens?

The 17-85 or 10-22 are very reasonable offerings for the EF-S lineup, but the 60mm macro doesn't make any sense to me.

Next Review

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Pablo Yáñez26-Jul-2006 06:45
My favorite lens. Nearly all of my macros have been shot with this lens as well as many portraits for which it also does a very good job. You can see lots of samples here:
Guest 27-Jun-2006 01:45
The Canon 60mm Macro lens does a fine job at capturing portraits :>
Ric Yates03-Apr-2005 10:49
I've created a small sample gallery here with some of the first shots I've taken with this lens.

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