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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS-1D Mark III

Canon EOS-1D Mark III Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 21-Feb-2007
Megapixels: 10.1
Random Canon EOS-1D Mark III Samples from 619763 available Photos more
g9/27/4627/3/156774632.1s7L1xHz.jpg g4/60/869560/3/142063281.PKiCfMA9.jpg g3/26/84626/3/119994448.haXcg0i4.jpg g1/97/592897/3/108913912.V4GLqnvJ.jpg
g3/09/515909/3/124769486.Fw7EI8PA.jpg g1/84/548784/3/115478962.hXGFDiem.jpg g9/16/1015916/3/163046598.9nUg99sw.jpg g3/09/515909/3/111481108.ChFhE5FN.jpg
g1/09/515909/3/129459108.QMGaqFv0.jpg g1/63/912163/3/118058427.N482EyvP.jpg g6/23/493523/3/90207313.HhFI3Bc6.jpg g3/09/515909/3/101410166.0DzhbfZ0.jpg

Guest 25-Sep-2007 20:48
I bought mine last week Thursday from B&H an it arrived today ;-).
I will post some pictures this weekend after i post my xti Thailand trip pictures.
ISO sensitivity is really good!
Guest 05-Jul-2007 23:01
Just my opnion but I think Canon have decided that 10.x MPs is the "sweet spot" for most production photography. You don't need more than 10 MP for magazines, newspapers or the web so they upped the ante with other features like the self cleaning sensor, very high speed FPS, etc.
Guest 11-Jun-2007 19:47
I know the Mark III is fast, wethersealed and some kind of live preview.

Compared to my (almost) old Canon 5 D Mark III hasn´t got a fullsize Cmossensor.
Do anuone have knowledge about how they compare to each other im pure technical picture quality. According to 5 D:s bigger sensor it may be better.
Omar Brännström06-Jun-2007 11:30

All my mark3 picture changed to Canon 1D instead when I added my 400mm 5.6, strange. Have now manully changed the exif to Mark3.

But this page take for ever to be updated with more mark3 picture so I give my link instead.

Some mark3 + 400mm 5.6 + 1.4xtc here

Best regards from sweden

Omar Brännström
Guest 04-Mar-2007 04:13
I can't wait to get my hands on this cam! And the new flash looks handy too.
Guest 28-Feb-2007 04:41
Where did you order?! I have yet to find a place to preorder.
Guest 25-Feb-2007 13:35
Just ordered one of these beauties!.....4 week waiting list though.

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