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All Cameras >> Minolta >> Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A200

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A200 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 15-Sep-2004
Megapixels: 8
Random Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A200 Samples from 12639 available Photos more
g4/47/96247/3/52525055.ChapelatPunchbowlNationalMemorialCemetery.jpg g1/90/665890/3/107494064.OrQ8qrri.jpg g9/90/665890/3/153558440.N2SeTMyY.jpg u49/selvin/medium/40809958.HurryupImfreezing.jpg
g3/69/136169/3/55319696.thumbsPICT951902.jpg g1/13/677613/3/112966620.w1bQ9mjW.jpg g6/95/789095/3/82873356.HXEJe4ZV.jpg g3/47/96247/3/57198563.Needlunchabentowilldo.jpg
g1/71/187171/3/97276988.mg2G1sja.jpg g3/90/140690/3/53890551.Argentina_PICT2460.jpg g4/58/12158/3/65299349.uSUk6Qbu.jpg g3/97/332397/3/57804650.Ladybug3.jpg

Guest 16-Sep-2005 22:18
I just bought this camera the other day and am leaving for a cruise vacation tomorrow. Have been taking a few test pictures the past few days, getting used to the camera before I leave. Enjoy the camera a lot so far! Especially the 28mm (35mm equiv) wide angle zoom.

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