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All Cameras >> Minolta >> Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7 Digital

Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7 Digital SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Konica-Minolta Alpha 7 Digital in Japan.
Also known as Konica-Minolta Dynax 7 Digital
Marketed: 01-Sep-2004
Megapixels: 6.1
Random Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7 Digital Samples from 69371 available Photos more
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Butch07-Sep-2010 16:40
I have a 7D and it recently stopped taking pictures. I press the button down and it will focus and then do nothing. 5 green little bars flash on the right side of the screen when looking at it. Does anyone know what the issue might be? Could my shutter be broken? Maybe the lens? I don't have one with me to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Guest 27-Jun-2008 18:21
The Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7 Digital was one of the greatest cameras ever produced, so now that the series is no more, let's hope that Sony don't change the specs too much for future models like the Alpha series.
Sad to see the 7D end up like this. It was as much a pro body as any of the more expensive makes in every sense of the word.
Richard Tessier26-Nov-2007 04:15
There is the body camera, why they stop to build that amazing camera. I love 7D
Guest 15-Oct-2006 19:57
I now havd a Canon 5D but kept my 7D - It is unquestionably an underrated camera. Glad I kept it. Want to go back to it someday and work with RAW files as I have learned to do witht he 5D.
Jasen21-Sep-2006 13:55
I love my 7D. Any camera where you can't change the exposure compensation via a knob isn't worthy. I love it's controls and overall layout. It's a shame they're not being made anymore. The anti-shake is a dream. I also feel is a hugely underrated. Canon and Nikon are only more popular because they have a larger marketing budget.
Guest 17-Oct-2005 21:20
As above!
Guest 14-Sep-2005 19:35
Brilliant camera! Anti Shake is great and the colours from the RAW files are lovely. Very low noise images - even up to ISO1600

Samples here:
Guest 06-Aug-2005 16:28
Love the vivid colors it produces and the Anti Shake feature.
Great Antishake camera for low light and zoom telephoto photograhy without expensive VR/IS lens.

In my humble opinon this is really an underrated camera.

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