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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX

Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Apr-2005
Random Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX Samples from 4120 available Photos more
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Guest 04-Jul-2007 08:59
I bought D50kit and it includes this lens. it is sufficient to take a basic picture but everybody seems to have a desire to have a better one, I think. I also used this lens before buying Tamron 17-35mm 2.8-4 and now one of my friends uses this lens. :p
James Clarke02-Jul-2006 12:53
One surprise with this lens after using the AF 70-300mm 4-5.6G and the AF 50mm 1.8 for about a week then putting this one back on was how quite this lens is! Almost silent, well not as silent as the expensive pro lenses, but silent enough to make me think it wasn't working, but it was!
James Clarke11-Jun-2006 13:23
Pretty bad build quality, but better than the Canon 18-55 kit lens (IMHO). On the other hand it is light weight which makes it a good lens to carry around on a holiday. Optically it's not too bad, quite sharp for close ups and portrait shots, but is very soft wide open for distance shots, stopped down things improve. Nice colour rendition when taking photos of flowers with plenty of light and nice with the built in flash. Worth getting the kit with the D50, but not worth buying seprately at more than 3x the cost.

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