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Nikon DF SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 17-Oct-2013
Lens Mount: F
Megapixels: 16.2
Random Nikon DF Samples from 32757 available Photos more
g9/57/1153757/3/155138905.bVX46XES.jpg g9/12/287712/3/155394002.jl3ncWBa.jpg g9/12/287712/3/162696133.z3IZSM0G.jpg g9/12/287712/3/156056896.z2RqiGP2.jpg
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francoscozzarella30-Jul-2014 09:54
Message to lou Giroud........about sensor nikon d4 and nikon df you talk no sense. Before talking try them. Sorry.....
Gustavo29-Mar-2014 23:13
Have not stopped using this camera since I got it, a good sign for me. The image quality is superb, and the way the controls are laid out do make you think, resulting in some nice photos. The ergonomic layout can be tiring on the hand after a while, until you get used to its operation. I also own D800E, D3s and Canon 5D3, a good basis for comparison, the Df is slightly smaller and lighter for everyday use without compromising quality.
markd51410-Feb-2014 01:12
Wonderful looking camera. Worth every penny. I do not want a video camera.
markd51410-Feb-2014 01:09
Sounds to me that Lou wants a DF! lol Why in the world would anyone leave a negative response about a camera that he does not own!!
I took my time and examined thousands of images. I wanted to get a D610, D800, or DF. It came down to image quality and color and the right look. I am not a pixel counter and do not crop under ridiculous iso's for comparison...that is just stupid. The DF was a winner, and I bought it! It is the best Nikon dslr camera I have ever owned. And yes, Lou, the D4 sensor is amazing, as is the D4 camera. I love the AF system as well. It performs flawlessly. I guess someone told you, or you read somewhere that the sensor has pixel pitch. I do not know if it is true, nor do I care! I love the results! I like the photos I see on here as well. I am sorry, but with all due respect, you have no clue what you are talking about!
Lou Giroud01-Feb-2014 22:26
The D4 sensor is absolutely not amazing. It has a pixel pitch that matches the one of an 8 mpix APS-C sensor, thus somewhat better than a D70 and less good as a D200. This sensor performs huge in darkness, but that is all, and for that there is no secret, there comes probably more light in through the window in you living room than the one in your toilet. Bigger pixel, more light, but more rough picture detail. That is simply physical law.

Then, it is not the sensor that makes the pricing of a camera, it is the company who sells it. There is no doubt that Nikon D4 is highly overpriced, and DF is the same. DF has bad AF system that was criticized in D600 series, it has no MF assistance that can be called one, shoot 1/4000 only what is an insult for the price you pay and the capacity of the sensor.

Now, look at the photos posted on this base and see yourself, on the end you will be happy to have no money to buy that cripple. I have Nikon as well, I have Fuji S5, I have Sony, and I shoot since more than 50 years now, so ignorant is somewhat far as a statement from one who has no money tho buy this camera. I have the money and I don't want it, and I am not the only one. Funny, isn't it?
fotabug01-Feb-2014 02:42
It is evident that the first commenter on this gallery is ignorant. The D4 sensor is awesome and to call it low resolution is ridiculous! 16 MP resolution is no doubt more than he and many others really need. If one can't get great results with this camera and its high class sensor, they could get by easily with a P&S. I just wish I could afford one, and I have two 24 MP DSLR's, so I know what I am talking about.
Lou Giroud09-Jan-2014 03:39
I do not know in what country the DF has 24.3 mpix. In our country it is a huge looking low resolution camera with average AF system, bad manual focusing facilities, 1/4000 limited shutter speed that performs well at high ISO levels only and a price tailored so that only lawyers and doctors will pay for it to show off.

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