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All Cameras >> Olympus >> Olympus C-770 Movie

Olympus C-770 Movie Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 12-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 4
Random Olympus C-770 Movie Samples from 12988 available Photos more
g3/77/85277/3/55910934.pb271339.jpg u46/wayne_n/medium/33900787.P9061546_std.jpg g6/62/609462/3/81008789.s21WfUZc.jpg g4/19/61019/3/51805941.P9092126_1_1b.jpg
g2/37/578237/3/66140599.iZccrVge.jpg g6/48/565548/3/81053327.7N3VIiDu.jpg g2/59/578659/3/65779805.lVyowjx2.jpg g4/07/26207/3/63279802.MNWp5OPm.jpg
g3/48/565548/3/58600121.P3318214c.jpg g4/59/578659/3/52089837.Sagrespoint2.jpg g3/94/417094/3/52925736.pb197728a_b_std.jpg u40/hiddemans/medium/40221350.USB_2005_0227AO.jpg

princess25-May-2009 06:20
Foarte bun aparatul. Mi-am cumparat si eu in anul de gratie 1998, un Olympus Camedia digital C-2500L. De foarte buna calitate. Am postat si niste fotografii de ale mele mai vechi in care se poate vedea foarte bine ca nu gresesc, cind spun ca este un aparat foarte serios.
Mi-au placut fotografiile. V
Guest 01-Dec-2006 09:19
A little gem by Olympus. Bought mine in may 2005 and I'm not tempted to upgrade just yet despite 6, 7mpx being the norm these days.

The good: Excellent lens makes it seem higher than a 4mpx. A wealth of manual features in a compact fully aluminium case (it's predecessors are all plastic bodied!). Superb macro. Very versatile; several add on lenses/filters can be bought.

The bad: Not so good indoors; even in well lit rooms without a tripod & flash the pictures were poor. Has trouble with auto focusing in low light too.... some pics come out either blur, over saturated or too bright. Battery life is slightly below average I'd say.
Guest 01-Dec-2006 09:19
A little gem by Olympus. Bought mine in may 2005 and I'm not tempted to upgrade just yet despite 6, 7mpx being the norm these days.

The good: Excellent lens makes it seem higher than a 4mpx. A wealth of manual features in a compact fully aluminium case (it's predecessors are all plastic bodied!). Superb macro. Very versatile; several add on lenses/filters can be bought.

The bad: Not so good indoors; even in well lit rooms without a tripod & flash the pictures were poor. Has trouble with auto focusing in low light too.... some pics come out either blur, over saturated or too bright. Battery life is slightly below average I'd say.
Guest 01-Dec-2006 09:18
A little gem by Olympus. Bought mine in may 2005 and I'm not tempted to upgrade just yet despite 6, 7mpx being the norm these days.

The good: Excellent lens makes it seem higher than a 4mpx. A wealth of manual features in a compact fully aluminium case (it's predecessors are all plastic bodied!). Superb macro. Very versatile; several add on lenses/filters can be bought.

The bad: Not so good indoors; even in well lit rooms without a tripod & flash the pictures were poor. Has trouble with auto focusing in low light too.... some pics come out either blur, over saturated or too bright. Battery life is slightly below average I'd say.
poetry66620-Nov-2005 23:36
Does anyone have the Telephoto Lens TCON-17/ Wide Angle Lens WCON-07/Macro Lens MCON-40 for their 770. If so do you have any images up on pbase to look at useing the converters. I ask as I cant find any images anywhere!


poetry66614-Oct-2005 00:23
Ive had this little baby only a few months but can honestly say its the best digi cam Ive ever owned! Great contrast and saturation. Clarity and sharpness. Awesome 10xOptical Zoom. Auto, Shutter priority, Apeture Priority and Full manual controls are all packed into the 770 that fits perfect in the palm of your hand! Now at a great price too a little over £200!
Guest 18-May-2005 11:26
Outstanding Digital cam.....

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