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All Cameras >> Panasonic >> Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7

Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7 Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Lumix DMC-TZ10
Marketed: 26-Jan-2010
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7 Samples from 16471 available Photos more
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Barry S Moore06-Mar-2011 10:33
If your picture has GPS location in the EXIF, Pbase will automatically show a link to its location on Google Earth. Great camera easy to carry and fantastic zoom.
Barry S Moore10-Dec-2010 12:51
This is an amazing camera. Great sharp picture and easy to use. The GPS works well and if you upload to pbase you get a link automatically to "view Map". I have the DMC-TZ10 version(with PAL tv output)and a gallery of test shots at

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