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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma SD10

Sigma SD10 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 25-Oct-2003
Megapixels: 10.2
Random Sigma SD10 Samples from 24545 available Photos more
g1/74/468574/3/113558130.gpWpMX53.jpg v3/74/468574/3/46979140.IMG02410.jpg g1/23/697423/3/97059888.2jLohtpS.jpg g12/60/491160/3/35911336.M7LO8PFT.jpg
u26/ianvermeer/medium/43353714.lampeIMG01014.jpg g1/36/461536/3/117479884.gaFSBxpd.jpg v3/37/418137/3/44597988.IMG10134.jpg g1/36/461536/3/117479490.TdaB8AGJ.jpg
g3/04/703104/3/108172357.fQd2CsA9.jpg g5/24/696224/3/98910541.OLyQxcaT.jpg u48/tommy2guns/medium/37020916.IMG02066.jpg g1/36/461536/3/117479750.Fc2ep2hG.jpg

Guest 15-Jan-2008 14:13
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MAG.M.A. Photographie13-Apr-2007 16:30
A truly great tool/system for macro and closeup photography; in my opinion second to none for this application in the world of DSLRs as of today (for images have a look at my galleries).
Guest 11-Jan-2007 21:31
It is definitely not the easiest DSLR to use: The LCD is small the view finder is awkward to use. The lens base is relatively small and lack of really exceptional one. The battery could be a pain for you. Don't even think about using it with long exposure. It's heavy and large considering the poor number of features it provides. The listing of the cons of this camera can go on and on.
As for the "pro", the "True Pixel" is really nothing when you have only 3M pixels comparing to any DSLRs that has more than 6 mega pixels.
The anti-dust grass is just something that makes cleaning the sensor harder ( believe me, the sensor will get dusted no slower than the ones without that grass. )
I do like the Auto adjustment feature provided by the software, but that's definitely not something I cannot live without.
WHAT I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS THE COLORS THIS CAMERA GIVES ME, those sensational colors...simply unbeatable by any other camera.
Take a look at the photos I took in Caribbean:
Some of them are taken by Canon 350D and some of them are from SD10. You can tell the difference immediately.
I won't use sigma sd1x camera as my walk around DSLR. But I will probably buy a SD-14 for landscape shooting.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 17:14
Very high quality made camera.
I bought mine on December 2005 and I've done many wonderful photos with it.

Pro :
- it doesn't use a Bayer sensor! The ONLY camera where any pixel is a TRUE acquired pixel!
- professional quality
- sensor and mirror sealed under a protective glass
- simple to use, it doesn't have a lot of stupid functions and menus
- free software for X3F image files editing and converting

Cons :
- don't think to compare to other DSLR with noise over 200 ASA
- not a very low power for batteries ...
- all the images have a similar "feel" about yellows ....
- USB 2.0 could be useful ... if present
Sandy Fleischmann20-Jun-2006 20:55
For PaganVision: hope you'll enjoy your new Sigma! Questions? please join other Sigma users online at Please note the SD10 has a fully automatic setting, P = program mode, in addition to A = aperture and S = shutter and M = manual modes.
Guest 18-Jun-2006 02:40
I have had this camera for just over one week & it has taught me so much. It has no auto setting & no on board processing. So you have set the camera up using judgement & hopefully skill. You are then left with a raw image which you have to process on your computer using the excellent software supplied with the camera. The image quality is excellent & the camera is well designed. This is my first full on DSLR & I love it.
I feel I am now finally taking photo's.
thechebb05-Sep-2005 03:43
Overlooked & laughed at people usually clam up when they see the astounding quality images this camera with the revolutionary sensor capture. I am a proud owner of the SD10 system and while my photos cannot compare with the ones shot by those who have mastered this camera, I am nontheless impressed with my humble captures.

See different - shoot Sigma!

The Chebb!

Visit me at
Paul Slabowski06-Jul-2005 03:03
My first dSLR camera, and my first attempts at doing truly artistic photography, I have found this to be one truly astounding camera. I DO feel there is something about the Sigma/Foveon pictures that goes beyond anything I've seen from any other CCD/CMOS-based digital cameras. Many shots render a depth and 3-dimensional feel that is lost elsewhere.

I'm not saying all of my pictures turn out extraordinary, but many of them do. And many times I get responses from people who tell me my shots are not possible with digital technology.

I am very proud and happy to own one of these cameras.
Guest 01-Jun-2005 16:09
Just bought the Sigma SD 10 now that the price has come down in the U.K. What stunning results. I have the 12-24 lens and the combination give sharp crisp images and together with the Sigma software allows the user to create stunning images.
Guest 02-Jan-2005 09:45
Great camera and easy to use.
Guest 29-Dec-2004 11:17
The best D-slr with film like color resolution.
Visit my galleries.

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