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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSC-F717

Sony DSC-F717 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 04-Sep-2002
Megapixels: 5
Random Sony DSC-F717 Samples from 23271 available Photos more
u45/stfchallenge/medium/29525973.DSC03085composite_sm.jpg g5/06/8406/3/67734048.U51cXVum.jpg u41/aiweaver/medium/26616560.4MAR04.jpg u32/msr/medium/20919562.SanMarco.jpg
u7/hlsweeney/medium/41239194.032505005_PaD.jpg g3/80/421980/3/53770135.DSC02068f.jpg g6/54/680054/3/78012911.yUNt2Sxn.jpg g3/22/382322/3/55988245.DSC07264.jpg
g4/93/8393/3/91630472.5vHNPfRf.jpg g6/29/663529/3/90256451.oBYvCj10.jpg u11/hlsweeney/medium/38063495.BNS_Men_Rules.jpg u41/corvidae/medium/33387588.DSC00184.jpg

Don Lambert26-May-2011 08:48
The Sony Cybershot DSC 717 is remarkable for ease of use and amazing image quality for 5mp camera. I use good quality DSLRs and lenses, but I'll never part with the 717. It has incredible flexibility and can be used at ground level with grazing your chin. It will also focus VERY close. Care with exposure will avoid image noise. This is a camera worth owning.
Don Lambert26-May-2011 08:45
The Sony Cybershot DSC 717 is remarkable for ease of use and amazing image quality for 5mp camera. I use good quality DSLRs and lenses, but I'll never part with the 717. It has incredible flexibility and can be used at ground level with grazing your chin. It will also focus VERY close. Care with exposure will avoid image noise. This is a camera worth owning.

Don Lambert26-May-2011 08:44
The Sony Cybershot DSC 717 is remarkable for ease of use and amazing image quality for 5mp camera. I use good quality DSLRs and lenses, but I'll never part with the 717. It has incredible flexibility and can be used at ground level with grazing your chin. It will also focus VERY close. Care with exposure will avoid image noise. This is a camera worth owning.

Don Lambert26-May-2011 08:43
The Sony Cybershot DSC 717 is remarkable for ease of use and amazing image quality for 5mp camera. I use good quality DSLRs and lenses, but I'll never part with the 717. It has incredible flexibility and can be used at ground level with grazing your chin. It will also focus VERY close. Care with exposure will avoid image noise. This is a camera worth owning.
blue_straggler17-Aug-2009 17:21
Hey guys. I saw this camera in a shop window last week, and thought it strange that a proper camera shop would even bother to try to sell an old-looking digital camera (usually they end up broken and in the bin, or just unloved, after about 4-5 years). So I looked it up on the Internet, saw the full specification and the verdict from 2002, and finally this thread convinced me! I now have the F717 :-)
And I already have a question - what's the compatibility with Memory Sticks? I need to get one, I imagine the camera can't cope with a modern fast high capacity one, so what are you all using? Old-style long ones at 1Gb - 2Gb? Or will a shorter one with an adaptor work OK? The camera came with no memory stick (hey it was £70, bargain, £55 to me as I traded in some old stuff) so I can't play properly yet.
I'm only on a trial account at the moment so if you reply and I don't manage to thank you on the thread, it'll be because I didn't decide to subscribe - not being rude/ungrateful to you!
blade_runner28-May-2009 17:23
The F717 is such a surprise. I got it from ebay and I confess that I was a bit concerned about the 5MP resolution. When I took the first picture, I thought: "WOW, what the heck is this?!". A 10MP camera? An SLR with a high-end lens? Really! Absolutely stunning pictures! Carl Zeiss SONNAR (and I said SONNAR) lenses are amongst the best in the world (just check quotation for Carl Zeiss SONNAR lenses for dSLR's - 1000€ + ). This lens is ULTRA-SHARP. So sharp, it really does look like a 10MP SLR on a A4 print. I don't regret I haven't purchased a 10MP dSLR for now, since I saved A LOT of money and image quality of this camera is SUPERB. It's well worth the 250€ I paid for it.
luduvicus08-May-2009 00:56
This camera is simply one of the best cameras ever made. A LEGEND. As the lens of the DSC-R1, the F717's SUPERB Carl Zeiss Sonnar 38-190mm F2.0-2.4 lens is worth the $999 alone (actually you can get it for much less). Resolution is outstanding and the detail this lens captures is out of this world. You have to see it to believe it. If you photograph at f/8.0, you'll get absolutely STUNNING results. As I'm writing this, it's 2009 and I still use this camera most of the times as a backup for my dSLR. It's incredible the resolution you can get with a 5 megapixel camera. The lens makes the miracle. Just try it. I highly recommend the F717 to serious enthusiasts (even nowadays - 2009).
luduvicus08-May-2009 00:54
This camera is simply one of the best cameras ever made. A LEGEND. As the lens of the DSC-R1, the F717's SUPERB Carl Zeiss Sonnar 38-190mm F2.0-2.4 lens is worth the $999 alone (actually you can get it for much less). Resolution is outstanding and the detail this lens captures is out of this world. You have to see it to believe it. If you photograph at f/8.0, you'll get absolutely STUNNING results. As I'm writing this, it's 2009 and I still use this camera most of the times as a backup for my dSLR. It's incredible the resolution you can get with a 5 megapixel camera. The lens makes the miracle. Just try it. I highly recommend the F717 to serious enthusiasts (even nowadays - 2009).
pressrelease26-Jan-2009 00:27
This is probably one of tbe best digital cameras of all times. A Carl Zeiss Vario Sonnar f/2.0-2.4 lens produces sharp, bright, clean pictures as no other camera can do at this price range. To obtain this image quality on a dSLR, you need to spend £500+ on a lens of this optical quality. This camera is as good, if not better than the DSC-R1. No APS-C sensor as the R1, but a lens that delivers the same image quality, or even better. If you love Bokeh effect and if you want amazingly realistic pictures that will wow your family and friends, this is the cam for you. I'm lovin'it.
Devilgorgor11-Mar-2008 14:27
excellent camera, I love it and eventually gifted to my brother. I am agreed opinion from pcyhuang, this is camera takes high quality picture, sharpness, color and saturation, all better than f828, R1.
pcyhuang15-May-2007 02:09
It is a shame that Sony has discontinued this model. I have own a number of Sony cameras through the years, and I think this model is one of the best. In terms of the photos taken, I think this model is far superior to the later pocket versions of the Sony cameras.
Guest 18-Apr-2007 06:46
Great camera!

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