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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSC-R1

Sony DSC-R1 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 08-Sep-2005
Lens Mount: Fixed
Megapixels: 10.3
Random Sony DSC-R1 Samples from 40665 available Photos more
g6/79/238179/3/81154322.qXeHQljt.jpg g5/73/34073/3/68107600.ykMlMNad.jpg g1/75/3575/3/93186996.xSQklydY.jpg g6/37/556037/3/80125147.Q3AeshLm.jpg
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Guest 06-Mar-2010 21:38
is this the only Bridge camera with an APS-C sized sensor? Seems a pity the concept hasn't been developed further, image quality in most of these Bridge cameras leaves a lot to be desired.
Tigadee09-Jul-2007 03:46
DSLR in every sense except for the fixed lens and slow autofocus in low-light (fast in daylight). The R1 provides DSLR-level image quality, a truly excellent high-quality lens that does live up to its Carl Zeiss badge, and versatility that only a digital bridge camera can offer. The EVF and LCD show the live image preview as you change your settings, cutting down on the trial and error routine while the silent operation makes this a very stealthy candid camera. Dual memory option means you're seldom caught out by lack of memory, while the hotshoe offers good lighting options. I particularly like using the R1 when going out at night taking night scenic shots because it gives me the quality I demand without the worry of a major loss if I get mugged! The top-mounted LCD is also a plus when this camera is tripod mounted.
Carinoza03-Jun-2007 06:23
An excellent and practical high-end camera for petite photographers on-the-go like me! Portable (not as heavy as the usual SLRs), ergonomically satisfying, great but a bit expensive accessories (as Sony is notoriously well known to be exclusive). The big plus is the movable monitor that you can use to flexibly compose on the spot without EVER having to use the usually tiny viewfinder again. No more squinty eyes!

The only possible downside is the tiny bar on each side where the neck strap is attached ... Will it last and be strong enough to carry the weight of the camera - especially with the external flash and telephoto lens constantly attached - in the long run?

Especially suited for travel and events photography like concerts and weddings.

See sample shots at my Pbase Gallery
Guest 24-Feb-2007 00:52
I love the R1 camera.. I have some pictures at my site
Konstantin Yagudin11-Dec-2006 11:24
The Sony R1 is my first digital camera. I bought it in July 2006. Before, I used Canon 50E. I can confirm all positives things told about R1. I think the quality of pictures is very high. Just a very few negative points - some elements of body are "cheap" do not have corresponding quality. And a usage of monitor in a sunny day is difficult.

Here are my first pictures with R1
arra14-Nov-2006 21:29
I drop all my DSLR stuff for this camera and love it!
Guest 09-Jun-2006 08:45
I bought this camera based on the reviews and on the superb Zeiss T star lens that is 24mm-120mm (35 mm equivalent)-the range I normally shoot in. The camera has all the bells and whistles and more to satisfy the advanced amateur and pro. (A friend of mine wants one to shoot weddings.) I shot photos at 3mp and the prints were like postcards! It is a little bulky, but still light enough to carry. Some reviewers didn't care for the screen display being at the top of the camera, but that was not a problem for me. The camera functions are well thought out and are numerous. Being able to use a compact flash card or memory stick is a plus. The camera even tells you how many minutes are available on the rechargeable battery.
Mike Wilson

My reviews:

Guest 28-May-2006 23:02
Great camera which is hard to fault in any way. It's not a DSLR, but feels like one and certainly takes a photo with a quality that is equal to one. The low noise makes for some great photos, especially those night-shots. Lovely lens, but would like to have seen more reach. (28-200mm maybe?). The 10MPs is more than enough and the range of features coupled with ease of use make this a camera which is frankly out on it's own right now as there is no competion....'yet! That should all change soon though. Watch Canon & Nikon! This is an excellent piece of equipment from Sony.
Guest 05-Apr-2006 05:45
Definitely one of the greatest prosumer cam. Excellent pictures, excellent lens, not so impressive focus speed, superb handling / ergonomics. I think it's a great second / backup camera. I have Canon DSLR, but Sony R1 is going to be my favorite camera for photo hunt travel. The swivel LCD and silent shutter click is the feature I miss the most from DSLR.

My first pictures with the Sony
Lou Giroud28-Oct-2005 19:01
Ther is no doubt that he will, and this is the anouncement of what will be the next chip resolution of the comming DSLR from Nikon in spring 2006. The bridges seem to have found the way to the DX sized sensors now. This will improve picture quality on one side, but on the other will ring the end of the allround camera where all on the shot is sharp from front to rear. A new experience in some way. Bridges with the qualities and advantages in focusing that one can find on a DSLR. Just one question ; "what is it good for and why not build a DSLR right away then ????"
Eric Pouhier07-Oct-2005 09:12
Can wait to see is this bridge will produce better images than mine ? (the c8080) ??

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