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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony α6000

Sony α6000 Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Sony ILCE-6000
Marketed: 11-Feb-2014
Megapixels: 24.3
Random Sony α6000 Samples from 20449 available Photos more
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john dahlstet07-Jun-2015 00:27
no one at this site pays the slightest attention to what camera capabilities are or which cameras are shown on their data base. This site is a pretty sad excuse for a photo site.
Andrew Cary28-Mar-2015 05:18
The Sony Alpha A6000 is a mirrorless interchangable lens camera with a Sony E mount. The camera has an APS-C sensor with 24 Mpixels. The camera is equipped with a 921K dot tilting LCD display and a 1.44 M dot EVF, It supports HD video with stereo sound. It is capable of shooting 11 fps with automatic AF tracking.
john dahlstet29-Dec-2014 23:12
The a6000 is not a point and shoot camera.

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