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Cristine Varney's Recent Galleries

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29-Aug-2010 06:29
Harkos the Poet Warrior
:: Harkos the Poet Warrior ::
26-May-2010 06:07
creatures great and small
:: creatures great and small ::
11-Feb-2010 00:30
my  midnight garden
:: my midnight garden ::
06-Jan-2010 22:57
:: Faces ::
24-Jul-2009 00:38
 Transient Beauty  ..
::  Transient Beauty .. ::
14-Mar-2009 06:12
Lights, Camera, Magic
:: Lights, Camera, Magic ::
31-Jan-2009 19:35
my catch-all drawer
:: my catch-all drawer ::
31-Jan-2009 19:35
Oh My, the Sky!!
:: Oh My, the Sky!! ::
13-Sep-2008 01:28
shooting the photographer
:: shooting the photographer ::
09-Jun-2008 03:40
road trip
:: road trip ::
22-Mar-2008 22:10
Ticket to Adventure
:: Ticket to Adventure ::
21-Dec-2007 19:21
sights to be seen while walking with Izaak
:: sights to be seen while walking with Izaak ::