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Cekari | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Most images here are with the Konica Minolta 7D.
The a700 and the new a850 is now where most new images will be added.
Some exeptions like in the "Reworks as..." galleri exists, where a mix of camera images will be shown.
There are also a Fuji Finepix F30 further down.

Setup your screen properly.
:: Setup your screen properly. ::
Sony a850
:: Sony a850 ::
Sony a700
:: Sony a700 ::
Reworks as in Art works
:: Reworks as in Art works ::
Sara, Maffe and me in Nyköping
:: Sara, Maffe and me in Nyköping ::
Bumblebees, fruits and flowers
:: Bumblebees, fruits and flowers ::
Pre Summer
:: Pre Summer ::
Old windmill and water tower
:: Old windmill and water tower ::
Boat trip aug 2007
:: Boat trip aug 2007 ::
Jimpas Pontiac
:: Jimpas Pontiac ::
Sara, Maffe and me at Kolmården
:: Sara, Maffe and me at Kolmården ::
Me and Maffe at Stockholm
:: Me and Maffe at Stockholm ::
First boat trip in 2007
:: First boat trip in 2007 ::
Nävekvarn and around just southwest of Nyköping
:: Nävekvarn and around just southwest of Nyköping ::
A few from around home
:: A few from around home ::
Visiting a friend and around his area
:: Visiting a friend and around his area ::
Mostly flowers
:: Mostly flowers ::
Mostly birds
:: Mostly birds ::
Insects, butterflies and other small livings
:: Insects, butterflies and other small livings ::
Flowers, berrys, trees and other nature
:: Flowers, berrys, trees and other nature ::
Extreme Macros
:: Extreme Macros ::
:: Birds ::
My home town, Nyköping
:: My home town, Nyköping ::
:: Pets ::
:: People ::
:: Misc. ::
Temp uploading area just used for quick postings
:: Temp uploading area just used for quick postings ::
FinePix F30
:: FinePix F30 ::
Lens tests and other tests and modif.
:: Lens tests and other tests and modif. ::
Just a temporary  Gallery while I work on a batch to upload when finnished.
:: Just a temporary Gallery while I work on a batch to upload when finnished. ::