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Nissan-VIN decoder!

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masterfx25-Jan-2015 11:36
Here's the universal VIN decoder
It shows extended tech info and factory options. Hope it will be useful.
Bob 19-Feb-2011 06:01
Is it possible the "Z" really is a "2" and therefore this is a 2002 model year?
Greg 20-Apr-2010 09:21
hi chaps i need some little help Im try to buy a nice nissan maxima 04 3.5 SE automatic transmition , so if someone can help me to found some web side where can i get a free Vin check beacouse in poland is mission imposible to get that . Thanks GREG
kenneth 09-Apr-2010 20:59
i have a 95 nissan,

1N6SD11Y6SC343885, and the FRAME is rusted so bad its scary We just found a very similar frame today at a junkyard that is from a
1990 NISSAn

After comparing the 2 here, do you think that they would me a match so if we bought the frame off the truck at the junkyard, that it would fit from the 90 to the 95 with no issues?

any help or advice you could give would be most helpful.. thanks
o gene hurst 15-Feb-2010 21:06
i need the breakout for a 1985 300zx to show a turbo type. Which of the 17 positions would show that and what would the character designation be??? can get no help from the dealers
CARLOS 17-Nov-2009 15:12
Fuad 22-Oct-2009 13:26
Hi. My nissan also has "Z" for the model year digit. This has me baffled and frustrated. I asked my local dealership, and they didn't even have an answer. I plan on contacting Nissan to find out. For the record, the car is a "2004" 350Z, not a Frontier.
juan.p 12-Jul-2009 02:42
My Nissan VIN code:
10th digit (model year): Z
11th digit (plant code): K

Perhaps this letters referes to refurbished vehicles, although I bought my car as a 0 km in 2005 !!
Please if somebody have news about Z and K letters in NISSAN vehicles post them here.
Guest 19-Jun-2008 16:40
manufacturers do not use an "I" or a "Z" because they can be confused with a 1 or 2 respectively.
Guest 14-May-2008 01:54
Hi thanks for this!
Here's some additional info based on a 2009 Murano SL with moonroof and luxury package:
Model/Series: "Z1" (Murano)
Body Type: "8" (SUV/crossover?)
Miscellaneous" "W" (I think this is the for xenon headlights because it's "U" for the S and most SLs (xenon is opt), and "W" for LE)
Model Year "9" (2009)
Brian Chang15-Feb-2008 13:33
I have no other information on the 10th digit and therefore have no idea what year "Z" would be. I have had this posted for 6 years now and I do not remember where I got it from. This was accurate when I purchased my 03 Frontier.
jose 15-Feb-2008 02:24
yes pls whay in 10th digit is "Z", what is the year
S. Balan 29-Oct-2007 07:26
Grateful if you can explain why Japanese Automobile Manufacturers are now using character "Z" as the 10th digit in VIN Code. "Z" is not as per guidelines from ISO or SAE standards.
Guest 02-Aug-2007 05:58
Thank you very much for providing the Nissan VIN breakout. I found others with errors in year designations ... yours was correct. It was very helpful.

Larry in Korea.