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corky1 | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
 nov 10 ride
::  nov 10 ride ::
Baja ride
:: Baja ride ::
What I carry on the bike while riding
:: What I carry on the bike while riding ::
Steering stem bearing service
:: Steering stem bearing service ::
::  Moab2003Day1 ::
 Baja Nubie Trip
::  Baja Nubie Trip ::
Moab 2003-Day 2
:: Moab 2003-Day 2 ::
Moab 2003 Day 3
:: Moab 2003 Day 3 ::
:: GAS CAP ::
Crested Butte 2003
:: Crested Butte 2003 ::
Baja-Malarrimo Trip
:: Baja-Malarrimo Trip ::
DR-Z 400 Snail Cam Mod
:: DR-Z 400 Snail Cam Mod ::
93 Yamaha XT 350 Project Bike
:: 93 Yamaha XT 350 Project Bike ::
 2004 Honda XR 650L
::  2004 Honda XR 650L ::