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My Blog

This is my birding and photography blog for the upper Texas coast as well as to report on birding and photography trips.

What is the upper Texas coast?

This might seem to be a strange question but since I am writing a blog about birding on the upper Texas coast I thought it would be useful to define what it is. In this blog I mean the upper Texas coast to include the Greater Houston area including a variety of ecosystems. This area includes river bottoms, bays, coastal marshes, pineywoods, prairies, estuaries and the Gulf of Mexico.

The Colorful Visitors of Spring Migration on the Upper Texas Coast Part 1 03-12-2013
:: The Colorful Visitors of Spring Migration on the Upper Texas Coast Part 1 03-12-2013 ::
Starting the Year in the Texas Tropics 01-16-2013
:: Starting the Year in the Texas Tropics 01-16-2013 ::
So you want to become a birder?  01-08-2013
:: So you want to become a birder? 01-08-2013 ::
What camera is for the birds?  12-26-2012
:: What camera is for the birds? 12-26-2012 ::
Winter Birding in California 12-17-2012
:: Winter Birding in California 12-17-2012 ::
Fall Colors in Texas?  Lost Maples State Natural Area 11-15-2012
:: Fall Colors in Texas? Lost Maples State Natural Area 11-15-2012 ::
Machu Picchu Birding 11-01-2012
:: Machu Picchu Birding 11-01-2012 ::
Prehistoric Visitor?  No, it’s the Magnificent Frigatebird 09-25-2012
:: Prehistoric Visitor? No, it’s the Magnificent Frigatebird 09-25-2012 ::
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Migrating Marvel 09-15-2012
:: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Migrating Marvel 09-15-2012 ::
Birding Utah and Arizona, Eared Grebes and Red-faced Warblers 09-08-2012
:: Birding Utah and Arizona, Eared Grebes and Red-faced Warblers 09-08-2012 ::
Fall Migration, Like Spring but in the Opposite Direction…  Sort of… 09-05-2012
:: Fall Migration, Like Spring but in the Opposite Direction… Sort of… 09-05-2012 ::
A Landscape Photography Adventure out West 08-30-2012
:: A Landscape Photography Adventure out West 08-30-2012 ::
The Rainbow Bird, Who Doesn’t Love a Painted Bunting? 08-14-2012
:: The Rainbow Bird, Who Doesn’t Love a Painted Bunting? 08-14-2012 ::
Our Summer Wanderer the Wood Stork 08-11-2012
:: Our Summer Wanderer the Wood Stork 08-11-2012 ::
Are These Guys Bathing?  A Quick Peek into the Life of the Black Skimmer  08-07-2012
:: Are These Guys Bathing? A Quick Peek into the Life of the Black Skimmer 08-07-2012 ::
Upper Texas Coast Birding Locations
:: Upper Texas Coast Birding Locations ::