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Dave Dickerson's Recent Galleries

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05-Jul-2011 20:19
02-Jul-2011 02:14
Shenandoah National Park
Shenandoah National Park
10-Nov-2010 13:52
Eastern Shore
Eastern Shore
23-Feb-2009 01:52
2009 52 Week Project
2009 52 Week Project
15-Jan-2009 14:12
Monterey, Vesuvius, and Montebello, Va Areas
Monterey, Vesuvius, and Montebello, Va Areas
29-Dec-2008 05:11
15-Dec-2008 02:48
Week 50mm 2008
Week 50mm 2008
15-Dec-2008 01:38
Pets, etc.
Pets, etc.
19-Oct-2008 03:02
Outer Banks, NC
Outer Banks, NC
17-Oct-2008 15:54
2008 Nikon Cafe Fall Migration on the Eastern Shore
2008 Nikon Cafe Fall Migration on the Eastern Shore
14-Oct-2008 05:08
01-Oct-2008 00:32
National Zoo
National Zoo