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David Kilpatrick | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony Alpha 900 > flower200pushedto1000.jpg
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Since this flower was blowing around and vibrating, I need a fast shutter speed (1/250th) with the 100mm macro at f4 after sunset. I underexposed a lot at ISO 200 and pushed the processing from ARW using ACR 4.6, by 2.3 stops plus extra brightness, vibrancy and clarity (but not saturation). It's a noisy result without anything more than ACR default NR but I like the colour and the bokeh. The A900 viewfinder makes shooting this type of subject a real pleasure even in poor light.

Sony Alpha DSLR A-900 ,Minolta 100mm AF Macro (original)
1/250s f/4.0 at 100.0mm iso200 with -1 in camera exposure but +2.3 exposure correction in ACR 4.6 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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