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David Kilpatrick | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony Alpha 900 > jasper6400.jpg
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The exposure factor of +2 was moderated by using -1 in ACR processing, but was not colour clipping at +2 because of the white diffused nature of the subject and light. A straight exposure would have resulted (and did result) in a very dark image, exposed in real terms more at 12,800 than 6400. The +2 exposure produced a right-end histogram clipping but ACR had no trouble getting back this amount of headroom, which indicates a good dynamic range and overexposure tolerance even at ISO 6400.

This is a full size conversion using ACR 4.6 (not necessarily the best converter) from a cRAW file with High ISO NR set on the camera to Normal. No sharpening has been used, and no luminance NR, but chroma NR was set to 50.

Sony Alpha DSLR A-900
1/800s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso6400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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