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Autumn Color 단풍 - Korea

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Giant Buddha Statue
Giant Buddha Statue
Gingko Tree
Gingko Tree
Cosmos Flowers
Cosmos Flowers
Naejangsa Buddhist Temple
Naejangsa Buddhist Temple
Baekyangsa Buddhist Temple
Baekyangsa Buddhist Temple
Gingko Tree Leaves after First Frost
Gingko Tree Leaves after First Frost
Osaek Yaksu Trail
Osaek Yaksu Trail
Maple Leaves
Maple Leaves
Drying Sorghum Grass
Drying Sorghum Grass
Autumn Corn
Autumn Corn
Hot Red Peppers
Hot Red Peppers
Autumn Rice Harvest
Autumn Rice Harvest
Hot Red Peppers
Hot Red Peppers
Red Spider Lily - 상사화
Red Spider Lily - 상사화
Gingko Tree Nuts
Gingko Tree Nuts
Frozen in Time
Frozen in Time
Baekyangsa Buddhist Temple
Baekyangsa Buddhist Temple
Bonghwasan Mountain
Bonghwasan Mountain
Bonghwasan Mountain
Bonghwasan Mountain
Sansuyu Berries
Sansuyu Berries
Sajabong Peak
Sajabong Peak
Drying Persimmons
Drying Persimmons
Maple Tree
Maple Tree
Drying Persimmons
Drying Persimmons
Gingko Tree
Gingko Tree
Bonghwasan Mountain
Bonghwasan Mountain
Leaf Blanket
Leaf Blanket
Gingko Tree Leaves after First Frost
Gingko Tree Leaves after First Frost
Autumn Rice Straw
Autumn Rice Straw
Mountain Path to a Buddhist Temple
Mountain Path to a Buddhist Temple
Drying Berries
Drying Berries
Naejangsa Buddhist Temple
Naejangsa Buddhist Temple
Soraksan Creek
Soraksan Creek
Naejangsa Buddhist Temple
Naejangsa Buddhist Temple
Haeinsa Buddhist Temple
Haeinsa Buddhist Temple
Gingko Tree
Gingko Tree
Color Wheels
Color Wheels
Gingko Nuts
Gingko Nuts
Fiery Maple
Fiery Maple
g3/18/9018/3/88833032.PY8lRy9y.jpg g1/18/9018/3/88833817.597Smpre.jpg g3/18/9018/3/90004478.24aEThui.jpg
Gingko Leaf Blanket - 1000 Year Old Tree
Gingko Leaf Blanket - 1000 Year Old Tree
Gingko Tree
Gingko Tree
Sajaam Buddhist Hermitage
Sajaam Buddhist Hermitage
Rainbow of Color
Rainbow of Color
Pampas Grass
Pampas Grass
Wondangam Buddhist Hermitage
Wondangam Buddhist Hermitage
Wondangam Buddhist Hermitage
Wondangam Buddhist Hermitage
Gingko Tree - Bohyeonam Buddhist Hermitage
Gingko Tree - Bohyeonam Buddhist Hermitage
Bohyeonam Buddhist Hermitage
Bohyeonam Buddhist Hermitage
Wondangam Buddhist Hermitage
Wondangam Buddhist Hermitage
Baegyangsa Buddhist Temple
Baegyangsa Buddhist Temple
Autumn Contrast
Autumn Contrast
Peak Colors!
Peak Colors!
Fire In The Sky!
Fire In The Sky!
Red Maple - Very Red!
Red Maple - Very Red!
Fiery Red Meadow
Fiery Red Meadow
Rice Harvest
Rice Harvest
Persimmons - A Bunch!
Persimmons - A Bunch!
Gingko Tree
Gingko Tree
Golden Rice / Red Spider Lily 상사화
Golden Rice / Red Spider Lily 상사화
Haeinsa Buddhist Temple
Haeinsa Buddhist Temple
Autumn Together!
Autumn Together!
Autumn Bears!
Autumn Bears!
2014 Autumn Color Predictions - Korea
2014 Autumn Color Predictions - Korea