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Della Huff | all galleries >> Boston Stock Images >> Clients >> For Barrett Design > Boston Skyline from Piers Point Park - Twilight
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Boston Skyline from Piers Point Park - Twilight

Order 10" wide print: $35.00
Order 14" wide print: $45.00
Order 20" wide print: $60.00
Order 30" wide print: $75.00

Order 40" wide print: $90.00

Canon EOS 350D
6s f/7.1 at 75.0mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time11-Feb-2006 07:35:55
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length75 mm
Exposure Time6.00 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias0.33
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modepartial (6)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programprogram (1)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jim Kramer01-Oct-2006 03:09
this is a beautiful shot. The clarity is unbelievable! Is this a single shot? If so, the 350D is pretty impressive!
Scott 02-Mar-2006 07:20
Hmmm... Excellent pic.
I like the red lights of the boat going past. Really cool.
But... should the pic be resized to fit the screen... or is that my computer? I can only see about 1/4 of the pic on my 19inch screen.
Marjan Schavemaker11-Feb-2006 14:38
Very nice panorama, Della!
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