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Della Huff | all galleries >> Boston Stock Images >> Clients >> For Barrett Design > Financial District Sunset from Boston Harbor
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Financial District Sunset from Boston Harbor

Financial District Sunset from Boston Harbor

Order 4 x 6 print: $15.00 Order 5 x 7 print: $20.00
Order 8 x 10 print: $40.00
Order 16 x 20 print: $60.00

Canon EOS 350D
1/160s f/6.3 at 93.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Joyce Huff 23-Feb-2007 19:47
Fantastic capture!
Fred Parsons21-Feb-2007 06:20
A little warmth in Bean Town right now from this Aug image - nice job
Guest 20-Feb-2007 20:56
Great clarity and sharpness. You did a fantastic job with the exposure. Is this HDR?
lorin niculae20-Feb-2007 13:36
superb image. v
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