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Profile for Den Mac
Name Den Mac (joined 30-Oct-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username dnsmac
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Den Mac has 111 galleries and 5604 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 482282 times.

View Guestbook : 1 messages. Most recent on 17-Nov-2020.

Message from Den Mac
Capt. McKelroy has been a student of photography for over 25 years. Since the coming of the Digital age, he has taken a more serious pursuit of photography as art. By purchasing professional equipment, as well as spending countless hours in the field and on the computer, he is working to better develop his skills.

Wildlife, Nature, and Scenic photography are his main interest, but he finds travel and event photography to be just as enjoyable. A recent re-sparked interest in Black and White has been commanding his time lately. Take a look through the many black and white photographs posted the Black and White gallery that are images recently captured along with many that come from the past.

Capt. Dennis is a native Texan as well as a descendent of Moses Austin. "Texas is not only my home, it is my inheritance. I have been taught Texas all my life. I have literally traveled around the world and found no place to equal the Lone Star State. We have the Gulf of Mexico, the Davis Mountains, the Chihuahua Desert, the Piney Woods, and the Big Thicket, plus more lakes and rivers than one could explore in a lifetime. Texas has the largest verity of bird species in the U.S. as well as some of best wild game in the world. Yep, Texas has it all. And we have the best back roads to get you there too."

Capt. Dennis was a licensed Master Mariner for over 30 years in the U.S. Merchant Marines, who has literally traveled the world carrying his cameras. His many adventures and discoveries are presented here for you to enjoy. Please take a minute to read the captions that accompany many of the photos in the galleries that are there to explain them. As well, look over his life as a sea captain, where he explains about the many types of vessels he has operated and the other types he has photographed. Tales that are not of a typical nature since his life has not been a typical life.

Capt. Dennis has since left the Maritime Industry in pursuit of different life and career. He is attending college and spending many hours working on this gallery. He hopes to make it a place for family, friends, or anyone else wanting to relax a place to enjoy some time looking around at the multitude of images he has to share. While looking around, you will notice right away the wide variety of subjects the images cover. Capt. Dennis enjoys photographing anything that is there that catches his eye. And in these galleries you find a lot of variety.

So get yourself a cup of joe and come visit awhile. Look at the birds of Texas or see some of the backroads that crisscross the state. Look at some of the forts and missions around Texas or see a few ghost towns. Whatever your interest remember that these photos are here for you to enjoy and if you wish to own any of them for yourself as framed prints on your walls or as gifts they are available at a reasonable price. Just contact him at with the subject photo purchase and he will gladly help get a printed copy.

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