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Don Spencer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Please select from the main gallery thumbnails to see the additional galleries they include. all my bird photos will now be under the Bird Folders gallery, etc. I'm trying to keep the primary gallery screen as uncluttered as possible.
 In Box
::  In Box ::
Sassy born: March 1994  -  died: July 11th, 2010
:: Sassy born: March 1994 - died: July 11th, 2010 ::
:: the_jersey_shore ::
:: photoshop_creations ::
Bird folders
:: Bird folders ::
:: scanned_slides ::
C-730 Gallery
:: C-730 Gallery ::
C-750 Gallery
:: C-750 Gallery ::
Test shots
:: Test shots ::
Olympus C-770
:: Olympus C-770 ::
OLympus E-510
:: OLympus E-510 ::
:: e-520 ::
Olympus E-620
:: Olympus E-620 ::
Team Canada wins Hockey GOLD
:: Team Canada wins Hockey GOLD ::
Olympus E-5
:: Olympus E-5 ::
tribute to my mom
:: tribute to my mom ::
Olympus OM-d EM-1
:: Olympus OM-d EM-1 ::
Margery Eleanor Joan Spencer Rutherford
:: Margery Eleanor Joan Spencer Rutherford ::
Tribute to Philip Spencer
:: Tribute to Philip Spencer ::