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Don Boyd's Photo Galleries -

Welcome to my 383 galleries of personal photos taken over many years, mostly in South Florida, plus historical photos of South Florida from numerous sources, totaling 10,463 images and 37,380 comments. You can return to this site in the future by going to . Our e-mail address is I am also on Facebook at .

Total page views: 500,000 on 4/20/07, 1M 7/12/07, 2M 1/26/08, 3M 5/25/08, 4M 11/30/08, 5M 5/17/09, 6M 10/09, 7M 3/23/10, 8M 7/11/10, 9M 10/30/10, 10M 3/14/11, 11M 7/31/11, 12M 1/3/12, 13M 5/29/12, 14M 11/7/12, 15M 4/24/13, 16M 9/17/13, 17M 1/18/14, 18M 5/3/14, 19M 6/14/14, 20M 8/11/14, 21M 10/18/14, 22M 12/21/14, 23M 4/18/15, 24M 8/30/15, 25M 1/4/16, 26M on 6/26/16, 27M on 2/16/17 and 28 million on 9/19/17.

Last update: 9/20/17

If you are looking for our aviation and military stock photos please visit our aviation website at

People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries
People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries
Gallery of Memoriams
Gallery of Memoriams
VIP's Gallery
VIP's Gallery
Places Photo Galleries
Places Photo Galleries
Memories:  St. Mary's Parochial, Immaculate Conception School, Palm Springs Junior and Hialeah High Photo Galleries
Memories: St. Mary's Parochial, Immaculate Conception School, Palm Springs Junior and Hialeah High Photo Galleries
Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet
Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet
2015 Photos from 100th Birthday of Miami Beach celebration on South Beach - click on image to view
2015 Photos from 100th Birthday of Miami Beach celebration on South Beach - click on image to view