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Doug J | all galleries >> Birds, Birds, Birds >> Non-passeriformes Gallery > Secretary Bird in motion
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Secretary Bird in motion

Scientific name: Sagittarius serpentarius
Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Sagittariidae

Secretary birds occur in all types of grassland and open savanna habitat, including desert-like open scrub, in sub-Saharan Africa. They prey on a wide variety of animals that are subdued with fast hard kicks.

They are most famous as snake-eaters, including poisonous cobras and adders, but they readily eat gamebirds, plovers, chicks, mongooses, and rabbits. All but the largest prey are swallowed whole. Birds are usually encountered in pairs as they walk through their large territories.

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Liz 09-Aug-2008 17:25
It's a beautiful bird, and an excellent photo
Abby A. 31-Jul-2006 03:21
Nice bird. Can you keep them as pets?
Doug J27-Sep-2005 04:43
@ kimberlee - This is a Secretary bird, sagittariidae. He might think that we humans are pretty ugly as well :)
kimberlee ford 26-Sep-2005 22:27
your bird is very ugly what type of bird is it
Guest 05-Jun-2005 18:52
i went to a website and they had a picture of a crowned crane and it was labeled as a secretary bird
Alex Usher 25-Apr-2005 21:12
This is my fav. bird.