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Dale Stanton's Recent Galleries

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29-May-2023 16:24
<< Flora >>
29-May-2023 16:21
<< Fauna >>
29-May-2023 16:18
Mississippi Kites
<< Mississippi Kites >>
01-Jan-2022 21:17
Places and Things
<< Places and Things >>
16-May-2018 02:25
Nature's Fury
<< Nature's Fury >>
07-May-2018 00:35
 The Heavens
<<  The Heavens  >>
29-Apr-2018 00:49
Moon Shots
<< Moon Shots >>
11-Nov-2017 17:48
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles
<< Trains, Planes, and Automobiles >>
15-Jan-2017 17:55
Seasonal Images
<< Seasonal Images >>