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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Paris 21th century architecture > Twins a la grande arche. - Paris
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Twins a la grande arche. - Paris

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Pouhier@Gmail [dot] com full exif

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Kiriakos Korakis03-Mar-2009 20:37
excellent b+w ! V !
Gilles Dehérand07-Feb-2009 17:28
Quelle belle symétrie!
Guest 18-Feb-2008 10:41
Formidable, cette photo. Fécilitations.
Robyco19-Nov-2007 09:24
Excellent !! (V)
Guest 20-Jul-2007 01:58
Great shot!
Guest 08-Feb-2007 15:25
Love it!
Yves Rubin25-Nov-2006 21:10
Superb, well done! Love the processing and tones.
Une ters bonne idee de combiner la meme personne en deux mouvements!
lorin niculae15-Dec-2005 07:46
very graphic image, with nerve! Bravo!
Paul M 13-Dec-2005 05:36
Another wonderful and yet powerful image!
Guest 10-Dec-2005 14:38
Excellent shot.. very nice composition!
Guest 10-Dec-2005 10:20
excellent composition and pattern.
love the sense of motion added to it as well. gmv
Michel CORBOZ10-Dec-2005 02:21
Fantastique prise de vue. Belle composition. Bravo.
Les deux hommes semblent voler sur les marches.
Guest 10-Dec-2005 00:07
Fabulous shot, vote
KimKong09-Dec-2005 23:58
Splendide capture Eric!
The right place, the right angle, the right moment, the right people!
Bravo! J'aime vraiment beaucoup! Kim
Piotr Stankiewicz09-Dec-2005 22:39
Good job!
arminb09-Dec-2005 21:10
Didier Vanderperre09-Dec-2005 20:17
Quelle perspective, je vote ?
Josy's Pics09-Dec-2005 19:59
Great comp. It worked perfect in b&w. Well done.
Craig Persel09-Dec-2005 19:59
Superb. Outstanding composition. :-)
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