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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of 2006 > La Villette 1 - Paris
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Mars 2006

La Villette 1 - Paris


Olympus C-8080WZ
If you wish a print of this picture contact me at : Eric [dot]
Pouhier@Gmail [dot] com full exif

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alice 26-Jun-2008 10:18
exellente composition, c'est magnifiquement superbement beau !
Jeroen Bosman18-Nov-2007 12:50
superb composition!
Pierre Schneider27-Jun-2007 20:03
Elle est carrément géniale !
monica memoli13-Mar-2007 11:12
I love this rich one! The eye doesn't know where to stop the attention. v
Robyco29-Dec-2006 10:21
Great symmetrical lines in this picture and nice contrast with the picture of the Normandie.
Here is "normal" hectic life and for relaxing we take the other picture......
Guest 24-Apr-2006 09:14
Superb composition, those lines are just great.
frank_111204-Apr-2006 07:56
Gus Rosenfeld01-Apr-2006 02:41
Wow! That's a ways from minimalist. ;-)

Well captured, and just a plain cool shot. Nicely done - g
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