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Michelle Rhea | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> poetry tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
This gallery will be photos paired with poetry. Or poetry paired with photos.... I had an exhibit in 2004 using this concept, and many of the images that will be on here (it will be days before everything is on here) are from that exhibit. Sometimes the image is more important than the poem, sometimes vice versa. Once in awhile, perhaps, they carry equal weight, be that weight light or heavy or somewhere in between.
The Only Way to Peace
The Only Way to Peace
With Children Like Mine
With Children Like Mine
With Children Like Mine
With Children Like Mine
First Amendment
First Amendment
Patriot Paradox
Patriot Paradox
Wholly Blood
Wholly Blood
Religion, A Definition
Religion, A Definition
I Am An Atheist
I Am An Atheist
Howling at the Emptiness of God
Howling at the Emptiness of God
A Different Language
A Different Language
A Different Language
A Different Language
The Gods Are Fearful
The Gods Are Fearful
Missing Pieces of God
Missing Pieces of God
War Prayers
War Prayers
Unoriginal Sin
Unoriginal Sin
Nothing is Enough
Nothing is Enough
Happily Ever After
Happily Ever After
If Only I'd Been Listening
If Only I'd Been Listening
In A Darkness
In A Darkness
Forgetting My German Husband
Forgetting My German Husband
Written In Stone
Written In Stone
Cinderella Heeds The Signs
Cinderella Heeds The Signs
Friends In Dark Places
Friends In Dark Places
Friends In Dark Places
Friends In Dark Places
New Widow
New Widow
Outliving Sylvia Plath
Outliving Sylvia Plath
Via Salaria
Via Salaria
I have had many dreams
I have had many dreams
Love's Equinox
Love's Equinox
Rainy Sun 1999 by Aidan
Rainy Sun 1999 by Aidan
Little Boy Pockets
Little Boy Pockets
Words Burn Into Silence
Words Burn Into Silence
Full Moon, Empty Heart
Full Moon, Empty Heart
Ceres' Lament
Ceres' Lament
Un-red Words
Un-red Words
Vers Librist
Vers Librist
Unfallen Leaves
Unfallen Leaves
Defining Truth
Defining Truth
Atmospheric Poem
Atmospheric Poem
Bug Dreams
Bug Dreams
In The Storm
In The Storm
My Son Marched Against The War
My Son Marched Against The War
How I Love My Mommy
How I Love My Mommy
The Pen and The Sword
The Pen and The Sword
Santa Barbara Poetry and The Dearth of Public Readings
Santa Barbara Poetry and The Dearth of Public Readings
Body of Knowledge
Body of Knowledge
:: poems_without_photos ::
Wholly Blood
Wholly Blood