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Evaristo Buendia Carrera | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Paco López07-Feb-2016 05:46
Impresionantes fotos y excelentes dibujos los que aquí nos ofreces. Un placer compartir Pbase contigo!!! Paco.
cafe18-May-2015 09:37
You have beautiful pictures! Thank you!
tresse15-May-2015 16:51
I really appreciated, best regards.
Helena y Albano 26-Feb-2013 02:03
Hola Evaristo!

Eres tu???Amigo de Helena y Albano???Tus fotos estan increibles!Vivemos casi todo el ano en Baja sur,tenemos una casita al pie de la sierra de la laguna.Si tu de verdad eres el Evaristo de Ixtapalapa,por favor manda noticias,e mail abajo,mucho amor,Helena y Albano
Najma 01-Dec-2010 23:09
Your photos are sensitive and beautiful, vibrant with color, clever with composition. Enjoyed them. Thank you. Najma
Guest 30-Jul-2010 01:50
Hi! Thank you so much for your comments on my photo! You have some pretty good stuff yourself!!
Guest 12-Jul-2010 23:58
Thank you for all the kind words! Love allot of your images and wish you nothing but the best!
Marcia Rules01-Dec-2008 00:18
Hi, I'm so glad to have toured your work! I will be back on a regular basis...keep up the fine imaging...marcia
Xenia Z 16-Jul-2008 18:24
What amazing shots, Evaristo! You have an eye for the beautiful and the talent to capture it. I'll be checking up on the gallery for updates from now on. Thank you for inviting me to see them.
Reneneer12-Jul-2008 06:46
Great pictures you have up there!
Shekinah 18-Mar-2008 20:33
You have an amazing photographic eye and talent, Evaristo! I especially loved the Fireworks gallery photos, as i've always loved fireworks and have TRIED - but failed - to master night photography. These are beautiful..... Thank you for sharing them with me!
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:35
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 00:39
I have enjoyed spending time looking at your photos. Very colorful! You have a unique way of seeing things that I do not have. Thank God we all see things differently so we can enjoy looking at other people's moments and lives. Also, thanks for your kind words at my gallery.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:04
You're a true artist.
roulette 27-Nov-2006 22:06
u have the beauty site
jbuendia 22-Sep-2006 21:03
i love your perspective. your pictures look neat, even the multi-colored ones, which i usually don't like.
Alida Thorpe17-May-2006 12:41
Looking through your photos was such a pleasure. I especially enjoyed your flowers! Alida
Guest 28-Mar-2006 04:37
Thanks for your galleries. You have some very wonderful images...
losang pema karuna 01-Feb-2006 10:34
Vari, there is not a single gallery that does not have amazing,creative and beautiful pictures, its time for you to add more - om-chen
Guest 02-Jan-2006 19:00
Thank you very much for your comments on my galleries. I've also looked through your photos and enjoyed them very much. Very colorful and creative use of PS, congratulations. Regards,
Guest 02-Nov-2005 06:54
Hi Evaristo,

I have really enjoyed your galleries. You are extremely talented -I will be visiting again.
victor valle02-Nov-2005 01:25
Thanks again for stopping by. Your "eye" is excellent. Many beautiful and well composed images in your galleries.
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 16:10
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
photokhan27-Sep-2005 14:20
Thanks for your kind words in my galleries!

I find your work very interesting, also. I especially like the "Houseboats" series. I hope you expand it, as they're a terrific subject for this kid of "project photography"
I'll be sure to keep dropping by!

Brando Ho27-Sep-2005 06:41
Hi Evaristo,
I really enjoy your "flower" gallery. There are many mixtures of colorful objects. Nice and sharp. The Canon Pro-1 camera really can do wonder......Nice work!! ^_^
Guest 06-Sep-2005 02:53
Hi Evaristo,
I enjoyed your galleries very much. Your compositions, excellent framing, and choice of subjects reflect a thoughtful eye, which helps one appreciate exactly how you see the image. Thanks for sharing!
Oleg Chermoshniuk31-Aug-2005 06:19
Hello Evaristo.
Thank you for visiting my galleries and leaving such nice comments. It's always good to know what people from all aroung the globe think about my photography :-)

Your galleries are excellent - keep up the good work !

Best wishes,
Guest 17-Aug-2005 19:01
Hola Evaristo,
Muchas gracias por tus comentarios. Es cierto que las fotos se ven un poco oscuras en algunas pantallas, en realidad son diapositivas escaneadas.He aumentado el brillo en algunas de ellas para que se vean mejor y las he sustituido por las anteriores a ver que tal. Gracias por tu ayuda Evaristo.
Un saludo,
Guest 14-Aug-2005 13:59
Hi Evaristo,
a pleasure to travel through your galleries with such a unique vision!
Best regards,
henrywong08-Aug-2005 09:02
Hi Evaristo,
Thank you for visiting my site and the kind comments! I have viewed your site and found there is so many excellent pic in it, I definitely will be back again.
Happy shooting!
Guest 27-Jul-2005 18:09
Firstly, I'd like to thank you for visiting my gallery and for your comments on some of my images.
Secondly, I looked at all your images and you got some amazing collection.
Pls. continue visiting mine as I do likewise.
victor valle26-Jul-2005 15:42
Hi Evaristo,
Thanks for visitng my gallery. I am honored by your comment because your work is absolutely beautiful. Take care.
gine 12-Jul-2005 23:00
moin,moin ein feuerwerk auf bildern habe ich noch nie gesehen,habe sehr bedauert das mein bildschirm sooooooo klein ist,haste ja wieder tolle fotos gemacht.beim ansehen kann jeder laut ahhhh und ohhhh
sagen nur knall und geruch fehlt,sonst koennte jeder sagen ich war dabei,danke........***.
Hans Meerbeek08-Jul-2005 18:27
I like your galleries a lot,especially the flowers and insects.Compositions and colors are wonderful!Thanks for your kind words..
Regards Hans
Guest 07-Jul-2005 20:36
Hi Evaristo - thanks for your kind comments on my macro shots. They cheered me up on what has been an awful day for everyone here in London, for reasons I'm sure I don't need to spell out. Cheers, Steve H
Guest 30-Jun-2005 11:20
Wow, you've got some great photo galleries
keep up the good work
maribel balius25-Jun-2005 09:40
Evaristo, mil gracias por tus amables comentarios a mi galería :)
Sobre mi paso al mundo digital, se produjo este año comprando una cámara fuji. Lo que pasa es que me ha costado bastante pasar de la analógica a la digital, sin embargo desde que tengo la digital he triplicado el volumen de fotos que hacía... lo que no sé manejar muy bien es el ps, aunque en mi galería de flores verás que estoy ensayando y experimentando y espero conseguir en un plazo razonable mejores resultados...
Muchas gracias por lo de jovencita... ya peino alguna cana pero me alegra ver que miro el mundo con la juventud con la que me veo cuando me miro al espejo...
Un beso y nos vemos por aquí :)
gine 22-Jun-2005 12:06
hallo kuenstler,deine blaetterbilder sind ja verblueffend,sind die echt? oder collagen.das eure natur
so farbig ist,ist ja bemerkenswert,jedes bild waere eine tolle vorlage fuer seidentuecher.......gine
Connie from Sausalito 19-Jun-2005 22:45
Heeeeloooo Vari,

Miss you here in Sausalito. Fantastic pictures. That moment between life and death. You must be inspired. We will see you soon for music in the park. Keep up the good work Vari!
Angelica 14-Jun-2005 19:06
Es un placer lo visto aqui, para todos los sentidos guiados unicamente por la vista, es impresionante la naturaleza y sus modificaciones por la mano del hombre.
Ahora solo espero encontrar mi foto!! existe?

Felicitaciones !!
Besati09-Jun-2005 09:42
Hi Evaristo,

I have spent a couple of minutes going through your collection. You've got some really nice pictures here. I particularly like the floral macros. Keep on the good work. Thanks very much for visiting my galleries. Do come back for my updates when you have time.

Best Wishes
Guest 03-Jun-2005 14:43
Una vez más: ¡Yo te felicito!
De verdad Vari, las fotos están muy buenas, unas más que otras - depende de quién las vé, claro; pero ahora tal vez falta comercializarlas, ¿no?
Guest 01-May-2005 20:45
hey vari,vielen dank fuer deine wundervollen bluetenbilder,jedes einzelne ein meisterwerk
aber besonders irre fand ich deinen farbigen stier,als ob er flammen auf dem koerper hat
ich kann ihn richtig schnauben hoeren....hihihihi....hoffe noch auf viele schoene bilder von
dir,werde bald wieder nachsehen,gruss gine aus berlin..........***.
Marisa Livet29-Apr-2005 13:57
Your work is very interesting, an universe apart to discover with calm and pleasure.
Best regarda
Guest 26-Apr-2005 04:02
Great gallery - Great Vari-ety! Beautiful images! Congratulations!
I will visit soon again...looking forward!
All the best to you, keep up the good work!
Andree Lachapelle
Mario 14-Apr-2005 20:07
Great compositions. You can tell much from a person by their art. You're definitely attracted much to forms, shadows, colors and the static world in general...not the transcient or ever-changing world of people and specters. Great work once again. My favority piece of art was undoubtedly Inter-Communications....

GINE 13-Apr-2005 22:00
vielen dank fuer die wundervollen bilder,die farbigen blumen und die gefaerbten blaettercollagen
haben mich tief beeindruckt besonders der bunte stier,du hast eine besondere sicht der dinge
mach weiter so freue mich auf die naechsten bilder von dir.....gruss gine....***.
jason 10-Apr-2005 00:39
Love the color and looking forward to more photos. Bring them on. Great work. Hey New York is looking at you now. Keep the artistic flair alive. We need more art like this.
Guest 08-Apr-2005 20:46
Interesantes fotografías
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España