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Photos in these galleries were taken with several different cameras. If the photos are from 2002-2005, they were taken with my Olympus C-2100UZ digital camera. I learned a lot about digital photography with that little gem, and with the help of the oly2100 group on Yahoo. You can see their work at In 2005, I purchased a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20, and in 2006 a compact point&shoot, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1. In Nov 2008, I gave the TZ1 to my big brother, and upgraded to the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5. And in 2010, I'm testing out the Panasonic Lumix DMZ-FZ35, to see if I can retire the faithful FZ20.
gallery: roomies
Photos from 2011
gallery: Photos from 2011
2011 Yard Pics
gallery: 2011 Yard Pics
gallery: 2010
2010 Yard Pics
gallery: 2010 Yard Pics
gallery: 2009
Photos taken in 2008
gallery: Photos taken in 2008
Sandy Paws 2008
gallery: Sandy Paws 2008
Photos taken in 2007
gallery: Photos taken in 2007
Sandy Paws 2007
gallery: Sandy Paws 2007
Photos from 2006
gallery: Photos from 2006
Photos from 2005
gallery: Photos from 2005
Photos taken in 2004
gallery: Photos taken in 2004
Photos taken in 2003
gallery: Photos taken in 2003
Photos taken in 2002
gallery: Photos taken in 2002
gallery: reenactments
Whale Watching in New England
gallery: Whale Watching in New England
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
gallery: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
Greyt Friends, Inc.
gallery: Greyt Friends, Inc.
gallery: greyhounds
Bird nest in my hanging planter
gallery: Bird nest in my hanging planter
Scanned Photos
gallery: Scanned Photos
 In Box
gallery:  In Box
Renaissance Festivals
gallery: Renaissance Festivals
butterfly me 1.jpg
butterfly me 1.jpg
butterfly me 2.jpg
butterfly me 2.jpg
gallery: zoos
Anna Ruby Falls
gallery: Anna Ruby Falls
B&J Kennels
gallery: B&J Kennels
Nan's Hounds
gallery: Nan's Hounds
pictures testing my new Panasonic FZ35
gallery: pictures testing my new Panasonic FZ35
2012 yard pics
gallery: 2012 yard pics