02-Aug-2017 08:20

gallery: People and places.
10-Aug-2012 16:31

gallery: RIAT Airshow 2012
11-Sep-2011 18:54

gallery: RIAT Airshow 2011
14-Dec-2010 18:20

gallery: RIAT 2010 Airshow
20-Nov-2009 21:31

gallery: Tanzania 2009
14-Aug-2009 13:06

gallery: Flying Legends Airshow 2009
03-Aug-2009 21:22

gallery: Birds from all over the world
26-Jul-2009 09:15

gallery: RIAT Airshow 2009
21-Apr-2009 13:46

gallery: Vintage aircraft collection
03-Mar-2009 13:54

gallery: Eilat, Israel. January 2009.
16-Dec-2008 08:05

gallery: Chobe River, Botswana, 2008
28-Sep-2008 16:50

gallery: Birds on the feeder.